
Grew up in Cali, learned to surf and skate (in college). But as a kid was scared of the ocean. I also found out I really loved video games and figured out how to make a broken PS work ( took it apart an cleaned to optic lens reader).

I grew up in the 2K's but my older siblings and cousins still listened to the 90;s era playlists so that's what I heard . . .

College was a best experience . . . there was other music outside of golden era hip hop / rap and the 90's . . . it was there I learned I wasn't great at engineering but computers was different and that I could run with. There was fast internet, and I found out I wanted to be singer / songwriter. This is where guitars come in. And bass.

Learning to fly with the bf and other fun stuff

Wanna hear my bass story?

I started in guitar (college, doing the acoustic songwriter thing). My bf at the time ( now ex ) his ex was great bass player and she rolled in hip hop circles. We're at an underground hip hop show and (turns out she was one of the other shift workers @ the starbucks I worked at), he introduces me to her and we talk. She's actually cool, and when he comes back she tells him, "That one's a keeper but you'll lose her, like . . . " But she stops and smiles. After party, they got free style / beat boxing / jamming . . . and she's grooving and high / drunk. She waves me over and asks me to babysit her bass "Don't let anyone steal it!" and her + girls crew runs off to the bathroom. I just noodle around and one of the guys asks me to repeat it. He then gets someone to mouth out a beat and begins rapping. She comes back and nods. "Hey I can show you, then you can sub ." Fast forward a few months, the boyfriend is reforming his band (5th time) and says, " Got a surprise for you. A gift for making thru finals." He has me cover my eyes and whole bit. But when I open them, there's a P bass. Later I'd find out its a MIM, but at the time he didn't have money, and I didn't either so I never knew how or what he did to get it cuz it was new, like had the plastic on the tuners and peel film . . .

I was the bass player and singer but a year later, caught him red handed with the lady that was our frontliner , when I left for winter break to go back home but realized I forgot to put the bass in the case (I had a empty case and at the airport wondered why it was so light and my friend drove me back to get it) and I go back in the apartment and they are going at it. I was in shock and went to my room and packed the bass (I can still feel how different the neck seemed / felt but my hands were trembling, how I was staring to hyper ventilate . . . and . ..). I almost lost it, but my parents called and they were so pumped and amped to see me and were talking and asking questions and it anchored me. I just left and ignored his calls. It was the last semester when I came back and just finished school . . . took year later before started playing bass again. And despite all my pain, anger etc, I couldn't write a song for that time . . . Maybe one day . . . I still have that bass too . . .
Apr 20, 1989 (Age: 35)
US V Islands


"Why do you own 5 guitars? Ya kin only play one damned guitar at a time. Don't be a whore!" -my grandparents (clear examples of getting old levels up DGAF) | What we do in life, echoes in eternity. | "What about to tell you is classified and could end my career." | Alright let's remix this business, Aubrey would you pick a song for us please? | "There it is. Excalibur. Wow 64 Fender Stratocaster in classic white with triple single coil pickups and a whammy bar." | Blues ain't nothing but a good man feeling bad, thinkin' about the woman he was once with.


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