epiphone upgrades

  1. B

    90s Epiphone LP - is it worth upgrading?

    It's my first post, so apologies if I ask any stupid questions. My background is I'm in the UK, I've owned guitars for 20+ years, but I'm neither particularly good as a player, nor do I know much about guitars, upgrades, fixes, etc. I've had an Epiphone LP since the late 90s. Nice cherry...
  2. flanative3

    2001 Korean ELP suggested upgrades

    Hey yall, I have a 2001 Korean Les Paul that’s seen better days. I need to have the nut replaced on it because the very end of it on the low e side chipped off so it no longer holds the e string in place. I’m gonna take it to a local shop to have that replaced and also get it set up. It also...
  3. donald thomas

    3 Epi's- 2 Custom Pro Les Pauls and a Bonamassa Goldtop, Hello Players

    has any body upgraded there Epi Les Paul Customs? Epi LP Custom 2015 Alpine w 490r/498t and orange drops ( Beast) Epi Lp Custom 2017 Ebony w Probuckers (putting in Seymor duncan P-Rails) orange drops Epi LP Custom 2011 Bonamassa Goltop w Burstbuckers 2/3 (Beast) gIBSON 2013 LPJ w...

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