
  1. W

    String identification help!

    I bought a epi '56 gold top quite a few years ago and have dredded re-stringing it because it was the first guitar I bought and the strings that came on it are absolutely perfect to me. I've re-strung my other guitars countless times since then trying a bunch of ernie's but can not find anything...
  2. Alty

    [Web] String Tension Guide.... "Sometimes you have to go beyond standard gauges. The String Tension Pro is a free, easy-to-use web application that allows you to customize, create, and compare string sets for your instrument and discover your own sound."
  3. Alty

    [Acoustic] Anyone tried Silk & Steel Strings?

    Just though I'd ask, seen some YT video but wanted some personal opinions, got an FG720S coming and was going to try them on it, any and all views welcome. :)

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