Casino Tone Feature


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
Hey folks!
Put together a few Epiphone Tone Features -- here is one for the Casino:

I also did one for the Sheraton which I'll share in another thread. Hope you all enjoy!

Thanks for the video Jack.

Found it good that you mentioned the potential difficulty with replacing pickup covers. I bought a pair of silver nickel covers for my MIC Casino only to find those on the stock pickups were soldered in place by a heavy layer of an alloy solder that resists being melted period even with a pencil flame from a butane torch.

The only gripe I have with the pickups actually comes from the use of those stock chromed covers which significantly reduce the highs and clarity of the pickups. Even in your video the "gauzy" somewhat muffled effect can be heard. I'll take mine to a luthier I know who has more ability than I to remove them.

Epiphone could do us all a great favor by installing stock nickel silver pickup covers.

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