Les Paul: The Wizard In His Own Words


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2015
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Paul Burch, Editor

Epiphone celebrates Les' 101st Birthday with exclusive unheard interviews....

In 2003, our own modern day "Herb Sunshine" Dr. Epiphone (a.k.a. Will Jones) spoke with Les in Nashville at a party to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Gibson Custom. At age 88, Les' mind was still sharp, full of mischief, and appreciation for his long friendship with Epiphone.

Les, first off let me thank you for your time and for all you have done for music! My first question however is about The Log: I understand you built it on the weekends?

Yes, that's right I built the guitar at the Epiphone factory on Sundays when they were closed. I had the run of the place, did what ever I wanted.

So, the Log was made from a 4"x 4" piece of wood and Epiphone parts?

That's right. I used a 4"x 4" piece of pine and Epiphone body parts for wings and an *Epiphone neck. I made the pickups myself.

The original headstock on the Log was Epiphone?

Yes, when I signed on with Gibson later on they changed the name on it.

Did Epi and the boys at Epiphone support your experiments?

They all thought I was crazy. Hell, Gibson thought I was crazy.

So how well did you know Epi Stathopoulo?

I knew him very well, we were good friends, very good friends. I knew all those guys at Epiphone real well. Years after when Epiphone went down, we all stood around and held hands and cried. I told Mr. Berlin at Gibson he should buy out Epiphone. Keep the name going, 'cause they always made damn fine guitars and had a real good name with players. You know I had several Epiphones that I have played over the years and I loved them.

[*Interesting, to me....as it is believed and reported by some that he used a Gibson neck, which according to the above is wrong and I always thought was a bit weird seeing as he never wanted to play a Gibson before signing with them]

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