Soulman969 is our new EpiphoneTalk moderator

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Staff Member
Jan 16, 2015
Reaction score
I'm a little late but I want to welcome member @soulman969 to our moderator team!

Soulman969 is from Colorado and has been a member here since December 2015. He has experience as an Administrator/Moderator on two different sports forums. We think he'll be a great moderator on EpiphoneTalk.

Please join me in congratulating Soulman969 on his new role! :yesway:


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
Just a brief note on our moderation policy. First of all I dislike over moderation and much prefer to allow adults to be adults. You all know of the restrictions on certain topics we have. They are no different here than in any other gear forum. It's best we stay away from topics like politics and religion that are personal choices and not in any way Epiphone, music or gear related. Everyone seems to observe those quite well.

Also, keep any debates between members within the same boundaries you would have if you were speaking face to face and not online. No personal attacks.....but let's be clear. Simple debates and/or disagreement if conducted as mature adults are not considered personal attacks. If we keep it within these boundaries this will always be a welcoming place to meet and post. If we don't do this here is what takes place when a post is reported or it is discovered during posting.

I will contact whoever is considered in violation of our rules and the spirit we intend to create here as a host site privately via PM only to discuss the issue that requires moderation. It's an informal caution or a warning. Multiple warnings or serious violations even once may result in a suspension of posting privileges for a period of time to allow that member to "cool off" and let any dispute settle over time.

Multiple violations after a member has been warned and/or suspended temporarily will result in a permanent departure from EpiphoneTalk. It works this way on every site I've ever been associated with so this is nothing new to anyone here. And that wraps it up in a nutshell.

All I ask is your help in keeping this forum the friendly, knowledgeable, and peaceful forum that it has typically been for me and for others.



Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2017
Reaction score
Just a brief note on our moderation policy. First of all I dislike over moderation and much prefer to allow adults to be adults. You all know of the restrictions on certain topics we have. They are no different here than in any other gear forum. It's best we stay away from topics like politics and religion that are personal choices and not in any way Epiphone, music or gear related. Everyone seems to observe those quite well.

Also, keep any debates between members within the same boundaries you would have if you were speaking face to face and not online. No personal attacks.....but let's be clear. Simple debates and/or disagreement if conducted as mature adults are not considered personal attacks. If we keep it within these boundaries this will always be a welcoming place to meet and post. If we don't do this here is what takes place when a post is reported or it is discovered during posting.

I will contact whoever is considered in violation of our rules and the spirit we intend to create here as a host site privately via PM only to discuss the issue that requires moderation. It's an informal caution or a warning. Multiple warnings or serious violations even once may result in a suspension of posting privileges for a period of time to allow that member to "cool off" and let any dispute settle over time.

Multiple violations after a member has been warned and/or suspended temporarily will result in a permanent departure from EpiphoneTalk. It works this way on every site I've ever been associated with so this is nothing new to anyone here. And that wraps it up in a nutshell.

All I ask is your help in keeping this forum the friendly, knowledgeable, and peaceful forum that it has typically been for me and for others.

Good start. ) Congratulations.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO

It's a thankless job, even IRL. I'd imagine situations like fake Slash Snakepit boy would be resolved •much• faster.

That video reminds me of my Dad and Grandpa in the '50s although it was a Shell station not Texaco. Full service. Couple of pumps. One for regular and one for ethyl and a service bay with a pit for oil changes and light mechanical stuff. No lift.

Long days from early AM to late at night but the place was on 95th street which is also US 12/20 and a major through route on the South side of Chicago. Lots of daily traffic. IIRC they took it over in 1947 and Dad sold it sometime after my Grandpa died in 1959.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
Congratulations Soulman, You're what we call over here a 'Proper Chap'. :thumb:

Hmmmm......maybe I should consider living over there.

I have at least two ex's that have called me by a somewhat different name that implies my parents were never married.

It's untrue of course. I mean that part about my parents anyway. 🤣

But thank you for the compliment Ian. :cheers:
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