Unhealthy habits

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2021
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***Disclaimer! This is in no way to promote unhealthy habits. Just curiousity***

What unhealthy habits do you have? I think many guitar players are also drawn to a bit of self destruction. Whether it's smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, showering twice a week, you name it. Do you have any?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2021
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I like a nice cigar about two or three times a month. I'll have a few beers (less than 6) on weekends, a glass or two of whiskey if not. I'm in California where weed is legal, but I don't really mess with it much. Maybe an edible every few months or a random puff these days, I was heavy into it from age 14 through 30. Glad those days are gone.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
The only bad habit I have left is smoking. I'm trying to sub vaping for it or at least for some of it but it's too early in the process to know if it will work. I don't believe there is a harder addiction to break than nicotine.

I seldom drink any longer having left that behind over 12 years ago and to me my THC consumption isn't a bad habit it's actually a good one I keep under control. Mostly edible and not a daily thing or even close.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
I have never smoked or done drugs! I did hit the bottle pretty hard after Vietnam but when random breath testing came in, restricted myself to light beer. Later changed to no alcohol beer. Occasionally I used to enjoy a nice Scotch but when I changed to Ozempic for diabetes control, all alcohol tasted foul.

I took CBD for a few years but that has bugger all psychotropic properties so I didn’t consider it a drug. I got my CC hacked twice ordring it from the States so it wasn’t worth the effort. I used it to control my PTSD and to help me sleep.

I stopped drinking then and found that it didn’t worry me, so now it’s bottled water and green tea only.

As a rather elderly gentleman I feel it makes sense to give my body a break!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
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Memphis, TN
Being raised in Kentucky, I do have a weakness for bourbon, but apart from the occasional martini - vodka, shaken, not stirred - I can pass on most other spirits. I once was a hardcore devotee of The Glenlivet, but when I quit smoking, any peaty scotch literally makes me gag. I love most red wines, and many white varieties. Beer is perfect once in a while, but the right food or goings on play a role in that. While The Devil’s Lettuce isn’t legal in Tennessee, The Devil’s Dandelions, or THCA flower, is legal, very tasty, and makes me want to put Pink Floyd on the turntable. Then I giggle, remembering I no longer have a turntable, and stream it on Amazon. I don’t consider my daily teaspoon of Kratom to be a bad habit, as it’s been used medicinally for thousands of years, and many days is the reason I can walk about the premises. I lived in Florida when the drifts of cocaine were quite tall, but saw too many wrecked lives to ever more than occasionally do a line, and even then never really saw the point in it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
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Memphis, TN
I am guilty
Y’all seem to smoke more than we do anymore, and it’s ironic since we grow the bulk of the tobacco, so far as I know. I do know that Marlboro and Camel cigarettes were heavily branded in European Motorsports and other things when it was legal, along with John Player, Gauloises, and Mild Seven, but the leaf was from here. Or so I thought. Does tobacco grow elsewhere?

My elderly neighbor asked me to go get her some smokes, and handed me $120US. I said I don’t need this much money, and she said yes you do for a carton - 10 packs of 20 cigarettes each - and I was in shock when I handed over $99 and a small bit of change.. That’s ~$10 a pack. When I gave up cigarettes, decent sub brands were $2. I went to a pipe, and stopped hacking, didn’t smell bad, and had about a 2 day Jones when I put the pipe down fo good 5 years after the last cigarette.

Charles Carter

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2021
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I never smoked ciggies but both parents did until a little after I left home so I've done more than my fair share of passive smoking.
I'm obsessive by nature and have real issues controlling my consumption, be it alcohol or weed.
The last couple of years have been a bit blurry but I've got a handle on things just over the last couple of weeks and will stick to a beer or two a week or glass of nice peaty whiskey when the bank balance allows and try to keep weed smoking to just a night or two over the weekend.
Weed withdrawals are nearly over and I've stopped getting the sweats at night, it's just the insanely involved and graphic dreams I need to get past now. 😅
It's difficult to not smoke every night with jars of the stuff sitting there after growing a rather nice plant again last summer ...


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Y’all seem to smoke more than we do anymore, and it’s ironic since we grow the bulk of the tobacco, so far as I know. I do know that Marlboro and Camel cigarettes were heavily branded in European Motorsports and other things when it was legal, along with John Player, Gauloises, and Mild Seven, but the leaf was from here. Or so I thought. Does tobacco grow elsewhere?

My elderly neighbor asked me to go get her some smokes, and handed me $120US. I said I don’t need this much money, and she said yes you do for a carton - 10 packs of 20 cigarettes each - and I was in shock when I handed over $99 and a small bit of change.. That’s ~$10 a pack. When I gave up cigarettes, decent sub brands were $2. I went to a pipe, and stopped hacking, didn’t smell bad, and had about a 2 day Jones when I put the pipe down fo good 5 years after the last cigarette.

The price of a popular brand of cigs here is £13/$17.06 a pack, Other brands go up to £15/$19.68/20 pack. Super expensive to smoke here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2021
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That’s ~$10 a pack. When I gave up cigarettes, decent sub brands were $2. I went to a pipe, and stopped hacking, didn’t smell bad, and had about a 2 day Jones when I put the pipe down fo good 5 years after the last cigarette.
Yep, cigarettes in some places are extraordinarily expensive now. In Canada it was about $12 and came with photos of severe health trama. I think about all countries except the US have that feature now. In California twenty-five years ago it was about $2 for a pack depending on brand. Singles were a quarter. Last I looked it was about $8 for Marlboro. I never cared for cigarettes by the time I was 18, maybe the thrill was gone.

My uncle smoked a pipe. I still remember that smell, it baffled me as a child and later as a teen how that tobacco smelled so different from cigarettes. Warm and sweet. I always liked when that uncle came to visit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
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Memphis, TN
Yep, cigarettes in some places are extraordinarily expensive now. In Canada it was about $12 and came with photos of severe health trama. I think about all countries except the US have that feature now.
We don’t get the graphic photos of withered lungs, only a suggestion from the US Surgeon General that hey, these are bad for ya, pal!

I actually enjoyed smoking my pipe, and will admit that adopting the pipe and fedora at roughly the same time was an affectation, but it suited me. Going outside for a quick smoke became a pleasant thing, rather than a need. And it was WAY cheaper than cigarettes, even factoring in the cost of a worthy pipe, with the added benefit of when I packed it up, it wasn’t difficult. Unlike with cigarettes, no puppies were kicked, no untimely deaths were planned for those who irritated me, and after about 48 hours, I really had to ask myself what the hell I’d been thinking for the last 45 years?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
The price of a popular brand of cigs here is £13/$17.06 a pack, Other brands go up to £15/$19.68/20 pack. Super expensive to smoke here.
Here I believe you can pay $50 (AUD) or more for a pack of smokes. We’ve had graphic images on the packages for years! Most outlets are selling illegal iported smokes for half the price but they don’t pay the duty that legal cigarettes pay.

For a couple of years we’ve had a spate of firebombing of cigarette outlets that don’t comply with gang demands. I think the Cops are getting paid off because they make no effort with trying to eradicate the source of these harsh and uncontrolled monstrosities. It’s an open secret where to get them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2021
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Just cigarettes for me. I had to give up beer due to celiac disease. I quit smoking weed last year. I will have an occasional glass of wine though. Reds only. I may go back to my pipe and lay off the ciggies for a bit.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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Smoke like a chimney and usually forget to take my glipizide. Unless the wife sneaks it into a big bowl of ice cream, of course.

Teetotal for nearly 10 years, and I walk the dog twice a day, about half to three quarters of a mile each time, and quite active doing home improvements and the like, so there's that.

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