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  1. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    I worked on a blocking section of self seeded wattles and eucalypts that were damaged in wild winds recently. A few trees had fallen on a raised garden bed in front of the house and I had helper Shawn working there Tuesday. I currently have piles of branches and tree stump sections waiting to...
  2. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Cool here today with a maximum of 17C plus a bit of rain.
  3. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    I mostly follow that ethos and wear black or navy blue myself. It’s getting things that fit this short fat body that I have trouble with nowadays unfortunately. I started experimenting with self hypnosis in an attempt to reduce my hunger last night. I've had brilliant results with sleep and...
  4. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Cooler today with 18C and some showers. There is a wet kangaroo grazing the paddock just up the hill.
  5. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    I have to go clothes shopping this morning! I hate shopping for clothes!
  6. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    21C here today but windy! Then spring is often windy here. Turning to poo for the next few days though so making the most of today!
  7. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    18C and no rain! Yay!
  8. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    Thats dangerous Ian! Might service some chainsaws this morning and continue cutting big bit of wood in half so I can split them.
  9. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    14C expected here today.
  10. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Chuckle....I thjink I need an anti aircraft gun, or killer drones, a flock of them! They’d be well and truly flocked then!
  11. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Another winter-like day here today with some rain though nothing like yesterday! It pretty much rained all day yesterday, sometime it was really heavy! Today is expected to be 13C top. I was at the sink shelling prawns yesterday afternoon when I noticed birds landing on the dam, a lot of...
  12. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    First thing is to bring some wood in and light the wood heater, or wood “burner" as our Brit mates call them, I might even light the open fire in the lounge so my love can enjoy a sit and read in there. OK it’s pissing down and cold here today so I’ve got a kilo of large Aussie banana prawns I...
  13. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Even colder than you Peter! Today its a visit back to winter conditions with a maximum of 11C and wet-wet-wet!
  14. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Cool like yesterday, maximum of 17C. Cloudy!
  15. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    After damaging weather a couple of weeks ago I finally got around to repairing our driveway! It’s somewhere near 100 metres long and gravel had washed into the paddock leaving channels and grooves. After getting home from an early podiatrist appt I got changed and jumped on the tractor. I used...
  16. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Heading for a cool one today with a maximum of just 15C. The fire had some coals when I got up at 6 so I chucked another log on. Heavy rain last night and more expected today.
  17. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    Our annual whale migration is underway and that means the whales are moving from Antarctica up the coast and split offshore and some go east, some go west. We can often see them offshore here, sometimes just out from the break playing, tail slapping and doing other whale stuff. There are whale...
  18. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Max and late rain. Just after 6AM and the dam is covered in mist and looks lovely!
  19. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    I’m still cutting up big branches and moving them to burn piles, generally cleaning up after big storms a week ago. I hope to spray a lot of weeds today as thay are out of control. We’ve started planning for a trip to Hervey Bay in central Queensland to vsist my 2 daughters that live there and...
  20. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    I’m still cutting up big branches and moving them to burn piles, generally cleaning up after big storms a week ago. I hope to spray a lot of weeds today as thay are out of control. We’ve started planning for a trip to Hervey Bay in central Queensland to visit my 2 daughters that live there and...

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