Where’s Lancpudin?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
I’m still cutting up big branches and moving them to burn piles, generally cleaning up after big storms a week ago. I hope to spray a lot of weeds today as thay are out of control.

We’ve started planning for a trip to Hervey Bay in central Queensland to visit my 2 daughters that live there and their families, in early October.

Hervey Bay has awesome fishing and is the jumping off point for Fraser Island our largest sand island and home to a large colony of Dingoes. VIcki my oldest daughter and her husband Anthony are keen fisher people and might take us out in their boat for some whale watching and perhaps to catch a fish....I’m excited already!
My other daughter that lives there Danni, has 3 kids, our grandchildren that we don’t see enough of.

After we’ve seen them we will take a hire car further north to Yeppoon, somewhere we hope to take a cruise to Great Keppel Island on the Barrier Reef and do some sightseeing, and maybe see some coral reef again. Maybe some more fishing, and have a look at Rockhampton, somewhere we've never seen before.

Lots of stuff to plan and arrange in the next few weeks, that we will be well occupied!

There are so many wonderful things to see and do in this country!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
I’m still cutting up big branches and moving them to burn piles, generally cleaning up after big storms a week ago. I hope to spray a lot of weeds today as thay are out of control.

We’ve started planning for a trip to Hervey Bay in central Queensland to vsist my 2 daughters that live there and their families for early October. After we’ve seen them we will take a hire car further north to Yepoon and somewhere I hope to do some fishing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Sounds like a great break mate, those places look beautiful & pristine, Whale watching would be at the top of my list, I'd love to see one in the wild.

I've got a telephone appointment with the urology people today, but they can't give me a time when they will call, so I'll be indoors listening for the phone call.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
Sounds like a great break mate, those places look beautiful & pristine, Whale watching would be at the top of my list, I'd love to see one in the wild.

I've got a telephone appointment with the urology people today, but they can't give me a time when they will call, so I'll be indoors listening for the phone call.
Our annual whale migration is underway and that means the whales are moving from Antarctica up the coast and split offshore and some go east, some go west. We can often see them offshore here, sometimes just out from the break playing, tail slapping and doing other whale stuff. There are whale tours trips available all up the east coast.

On our east coast they are heading for Hervey Bay to breed in the shallow warm waters there of Wide Bay. Given thats where my girls live, almost any trip out on the water encounters whales, sometimes a lot of them.
Last weekend the kids were out and my daughter Vicki says there are heaps there. She also caught a 10 kilo Golden Trvally and a small Tuna of some kind. I want some of that!

Whales are a very special animal indeed!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Our annual whale migration is underway and that means the whales are moving from Antarctica up the coast and split offshore and some go east, some go west. We can often see them offshore here, sometimes just out from the break playing, tail slapping and doing other whale stuff. There are whale tours trips available all up the east coast.

On our east coast they are heading for Hervey Bay to breed in the shallow warm waters there of Wide Bay. Given thats where my girls live, almost any trip out on the water encounters whales, sometimes a lot of them.
Last weekend the kids were out and my daughter Vicki says there are heaps there. She also caught a 10 kilo Golden Trvally and a small Tuna of some kind. I want some of that!

Whales are a very special animal indeed!

WoW! 10kg Trevally, that's not a tiddler. I've never eaten Trevally we don't get exotic fish on offer here in my neck o the woods, Mostly salmon, trout, cod & haddock.

I think I could spend a few hours sat watching those creatures, no problem.

I harvested a 40ltr tub of spuds yesterday as we needed some for tea, Not many tubs left to harvest now.


I need to do a bit of shopping this morning down the Aldi then I've got an appointment with the district nurse this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
After damaging weather a couple of weeks ago I finally got around to repairing our driveway!

It’s somewhere near 100 metres long and gravel had washed into the paddock leaving channels and grooves.

After getting home from an early podiatrist appt I got changed and jumped on the tractor. I used the blade of the bucket to drag gravel out of the grass and then dragged the full length a number of times using the edge of the blade as a grader. My tractor skills aren’t really up to getting a finished result so then it was matter of using a rake to tidy the whole thing up. Man that was hard work!

With a last burst of energy I gathered the rubbish and recyled stuff and carted it to the wheelie bins at the gate.

That was it, I was knackered and fell into my recliner.

Thats it I’ve done all the maintenance around the place, working hard each day, so today I’ll back off and let my aches and pains recover.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
I picked the rest of the ripe chillies & bell peppers yesterday, The peppers were on the small size due to the crappy wet Spring & Summer but taste delicious.

It's looking like a dry day today so I'll be on mowing duties as the grass has grown fast with all the rain.



Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
First thing is to bring some wood in and light the wood heater, or wood “burner" as our Brit mates call them, I might even light the open fire in the lounge so my love can enjoy a sit and read in there.

OK it’s pissing down and cold here today so I’ve got a kilo of large Aussie banana prawns I bought for $17 yesterday. I’ll shell them and because they've been thawed I’ll make a couple of dishes and freeze again as meals. Yum!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
First thing is to bring some wood in and light the wood heater, or wood “burner" as our Brit mates call them, I might even light the open fire in the lounge so my love can enjoy a sit and read in there.

OK it’s pissing down and cold here today so I’ve got a kilo of large Aussie banana prawns I bought for $17 yesterday. I’ll shell them and because they've been thawed I’ll make a couple of dishes and freeze again as meals. Yum!

Yum sounds delicious mate, I've never had banana prawns. I did some cooking yesterday too with those chillies & peppers from the greenhouse.
I made a salmon, spinach & broccoli quiche & a mild Tex-Mex style chilli with grated cheese.



I might make a start on the overgrown tree & shrubs on the fence line today, The weathers looking OK today & the trees & bushes are about as dry as they're going to get at this time of year.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
Not much new to report. The delay with the lease approval for the new place goes on causing me to alter my plans as far as when I'll leave for Wisconsin and my extended visit there. It's been very frustrating.

The leasing agent tells me she has a few more waiting for approval as well. One benefit is that they give 30 days grace to move in once it has been approved knowing that anyone in another lease must give 30 days notice to not renew it but that still doesn't give us a firm date to move.

They're pressuring here for an answer so I've asked the property manager if they will still renew our lease here as around a month ago she had said they would. If we can come to terms we can accept we may just decided to renew here in lieu of moving just to get it settled.

If not and we continue to experience a delay I'd prefer to move around the end of October or beginning of November after I get back from my trip. Of course that will only end up costing us more by staying here on a month to month rent. Nothing is easy about renting any longer.

If move we save around $250 a month in rent. No small sum over 12 months. But we'll have added expense here if we stay on through October and of course the costs of the move itself. If we stay here another year it may cost us $100 more per month but we avoid the hassle of moving for another year and that expense. The housing market is absolutely insane right now and very costly.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
I made a start on the laurel bush yesterday & lopped a good two feet in height off it, I got about 95% of it done before I ran out of steam.
The rest can wait for another day as my knees are giving me grief today, I had to press on the ladders with my knees to stop the ladders wobbling. :shock:


It's laundry day for me today & it's raining. :frown:


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Thats dangerous Ian!

Might service some chainsaws this morning and continue cutting big bit of wood in half so I can split them.

Yeah, I had no choice though, I should never have let that laurel bush get out of hand. My knees were griping onto the ladder to stop it wobbling on the bush & I'm now paying the price with sore knees.
I've ordered the shopping online today as I don't want to walk around the supermarket.
I got 90% of it done before I ran out of steam, It will have to wait for another day to finish it.

I thought I had an easy feet up day today, but I forgot about the vets appointment with the cats, It'll be fun chasing them to get them in their baskets, :shock: it's their annual jabs & hopefully claws cut because I ain't doing them. :thumb:

Edit: Missus has just cancelled the vets appointment until next week, She's woken up full of a cold. :shock:
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
I have to go clothes shopping this morning! I hate shopping for clothes!

LOL I'm laughing at that statement because that's me to a T. :D I just say get me something online as I'm not traipsing around shops.
I dismantled the tomato frame & finished manuring the beds in the greenhouse yesterday, quite sad to see it empty again.

I'm off for a blood test at the local hospital this morning, but before I go I've just set my gaming PC to download the free TSW5 core game, the only pain in the bum is you have to install your TSW content into it & with 242GB's of train sim games it's going to take hours. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
I've resolved that problem by using a similar approach to the one Peter uses. If it's black I'll buy it.....or very dark gray. Most days I look like and extra from The Addams Family.
I mostly follow that ethos and wear black or navy blue myself. It’s getting things that fit this short fat body that I have trouble with nowadays unfortunately. I started experimenting with self hypnosis in an attempt to reduce my hunger last night. I've had brilliant results with sleep and attempts to control vertigo are promising so far so why not?

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