Babicz Tune-o-Matic Bridge and Tailpiece: Will it fit?


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
Seriously? That's the adversarial tone you want to set? I'd hoped by stating that I wasn't attacking you or the product it'd remain somewhat at least somewhat friendly. Everything's gotta be a damn hot button these days...

Regardless, everything below is my opinion, offered freely.
We're not talking about a Tele or Les Paul. OP has a Sheraton II.
I never questioned the bridge's benefits one way or the other. The only knock I have against them is the obnoxiously large billboard on the tailpiece. My only question there was since you admit to not having experience with a Babicz tune-o-matic system why is your opinion of something you don't own somehow more relevant than mine?
You quoted me directly and offered your opinion, therefore I responded by elaborating on my position.
No, I don't, but you don't own the exact thing we're talking about either. Neither of us need to own something to have an opinion on how it looks. Nobody does. A picture is usually sufficient to form an opinion on the looks of something.

On some level, I think you might be confusing some functional aspect with my opinion about the aesthetics of the logo on the separate tailpiece. If there wasn't a billboard, I wouldn't care. A small crest or logo set below the surface plane would be more attractive to me.
Perhaps on a Tele or bass bridge, where it occupies proportionally less real estate, but when it occupies the entire tailpiece... I'm just not a fan.
Think about what you said. You disagree with me so I'm not allowed to express my opinion?
I said
emphasis again mine

That's my opinion. The last time I checked, I was still allowed to have one. They haven't banned them yet here.
You're joking right? You've never made a guitar decision of any kind based on color or any other aesthetic quality? You'd be perfectly content with all guitars everywhere sharing the same neutral beige color bodies where you couldnt see wood grain and they all had flat finished hardware? You've never changed a pickguard or a knob? You didn't match your Babicz bridges to the rest of your hardware or vice versa? No offense, but I find that hard to believe.
There's a huge industry based solely on the look of one's guitar in case you haven't noticed. This INCLUDES the manufacturers. Just because YOU claim not to "obsess" about it doesn't mean you've never made a choice based on aesthetics, or that that others opinions are invalid. They're just different than yours.
You quoted me directly, and made some statements in favor of your viewpoint that I disagreed with so I responded in order to clarify my position. To repeat, I have ZERO functional issues with the Babicz system. I just find the GIANT logo on the tailpiece piece unattractive. That again, is my opinion.

That's what I did, I shared my opinion, and when you called my opinion into question, I elaborated. I never represented my statements as anything other than opinion.

At this point, there's nothing to be gained in continuing to bicker. I'm offering a truce. You dig the look, I don't. That's all this was ever about. Let's move on shall we?

I'm cool if you are.

This is simple Raiyn. Had you not begun your posting to me by expressing frustration when I posted about Babicz products that I had used on other guitars and not an Epiphone we wouldn't be having this conversation. Your post is what I called nitpicking. It was not a personal attack on you.

You're entitled to whatever opinions and tastes you may have. I offered whatever experience and opinions I have about Babicz FCH Bridges based on my own experience with four of them in hopes it would be helpful to some regardless of which guitars and basses I have used them on.

The cam system itself is unique and virtually identical on all of their bridges so at the very least my experience with that would carry over to a tune-o-matic type bridge as well. The mounting is of course specific to each guitar type but the FCH concepts are much the same regardless of type.

As for the logo I find it less noticeable than you so all we have there is a difference of opinion which is fine. As I said, you're entitled to your own opinion but when you project that opinion onto many others then you're reaching for a justification you never even needed for your own opinion to begin with.

I am a guitarist and a bassist and have been for over 40 years and I don't obsess over appearance to that same degree nor do many others I know. Maybe it's an age thing because choices were much fewer when I began playing and there was no "vintage" gear. Just new stuff and older used stuff.

In this photo the tail piece doesn't even have the Babicz logo at all. It's possible Jeff is providing those as OEM hardware to builders. So if someone dislikes the logo on the tailpiece it's might also be possible for others to get it that way as well. I would suggest contacting him to find out if it's available without.


I post here to obtain information I need about my own Epiphones and to share whatever knowledge and experience I have with others not to get into debates over personal opinions and tastes or what I know vs what I don't know. I'm not interested in going down those roads with anyone, you included.

Just like every other post here if mine can help someone great and if they don't apply simply ignore it as I do with those that don't apply to me or my needs. I felt there was no need to call me out for simply sharing whatever information regarding Babicz product I was able to based on my own experience. I did make that clear in my post.

Whether it's a Fender type bridge or a Gibson type the same cam system and other design concepts apply to both so there will obviously be some cross over. Because of that I felt my experience might be valuable to someone considering buying one regardless of guitar type or style.

That's it.....peace.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
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Satan's Armpit, (aka St. Petersburg, FL)
This is simple Raiyn. Had you not begun your posting to me by expressing frustration when I posted about Babicz products that I had used on other guitars and not an Epiphone we wouldn't be having this conversation. Your post is what I called nitpicking. It was not a personal attack on you.
No, my post to you started with
Before I get started, I'm not attacking you or disputing any perceived value of the Babicz bridge in any iteration. I tend to be blunt, so apologies in advance.
Emphasis yet again, mine.
You're entitled to whatever opinions and tastes you may have. I offered whatever experience and opinions I have about Babicz FCH Bridges based on my own experience with four of them in hopes it would be helpful to some regardless of which guitars and basses I have used them on.
That's fine and dandy, and I would never question your knowledge of the FCH hardware system, but the point I was attempting to make is that on the bridges that you own, it's a much smaller percentage of the real estate. You don't have a separate "billboard" bolted to your guitar. That's the only thing I meant by that statement.
The cam system itself is unique and virtually identical on all of their bridges so at the very least my experience with that would carry over to a tune-o-matic type bridge as well. The mounting is of course specific to each guitar type but the FCH concepts are much the same regardless of type.
Again, nobody's questioning how the thing works or what benefits it does or doesn't have. The only issue I've expressed concerns what I consider to be an ugly billboard on the tailpiece.
As for the logo I find it less noticeable than you so all we have there is a difference of opinion which is fine.
Had you just said that, we'd be done here.

As I said, you're entitled to your own opinion but when you project that opinion onto many others then you're reaching for a justification you never even needed for your own opinion to begin with.
You're sure going out of your way to make it seem like I'm not.
I need no justification for my opinion, not from you or anyone else. As for "projecting" my opinion, it's a public forum - occasionally someone has an opinion that differs from yours. For example, I don't like white guitars. If you like them, fine - you can buy them, I'm not going to fight you for something I don't like. I'm also not sitting here saying white guitars somehow sound inferior to any other color, much like I'm not saying the FCH works or doesn't.
I am a guitarist and a bassist and have been for over 40 years and I don't obsess over appearance to that same degree nor do many others I know. Maybe it's an age thing because choices were much fewer when I began playing and there was no "vintage" gear. Just new stuff and older used stuff.
So how does this relate to anything we're talking about? I have an opinion that you disagree with, that's all.
In this photo the tail piece doesn't even have the Babicz logo at all.
That looks much better to me. I'm glad you posted that. Thank you.
I post here to obtain information I need about my own Epiphones and to share whatever knowledge and experience I have with others not to get into debates over personal opinions and tastes or what I know vs what I don't know. I'm not interested in going down those roads with anyone, you included.
And we are. You chose to quote me and take issue with my opinion. You also chose to continue this when I'd considered it a closed matter.
I felt there was no need to call me out for simply sharing whatever information regarding Babicz product I was able to based on my own experience. I did make that clear in my post.
I felt there was no need to call me out as somehow being weird for caring what something looks like. You tell me I'm entitled to my opinion, yet you've called me a nitpicker and obsessed. Then you're surprised that I respond negatively to that sort of thing.
God how I hate dealing with nitpickers especially on a sunny Saturday morning. :rolleyes: But OK. Here goes.
No, YOU and SOME other guitarists are obsessed with how your guitars look.
Imagine that.
Whether it's a Fender type bridge or a Gibson type the same cam system and other design concepts apply to both so there will obviously be some cross over. Because of that I felt my experience might be valuable to someone considering buying one regardless of guitar type or style.

That's it.....peace.
Again, nobody questioned how, or if it works. Heck nobody questioned your functional knowledge of the system. The only thing I had an issue with is what I feel is the enormity and unattractive nature of the logo. You're the one conflating the two.

Why you felt the need to beat this poor dead horse I don't know. You like the logo, I don't. I don't need a half page response to what I considered a closed matter five days ago.

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