Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

  • Thread starter traumabunny
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Jul 7, 2020
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I'm a longtime Gibson user/owner and this is my first ever Epiphone. I ordered the Epiphone Les Paul Classic in gloss finish (which comes stock with CTS pots)

I bought it out of curiosity/lockdown boredom and because its upgraded headstock looks cool.

I wasn't expecting much from it because I'm a cork sniffing Gibbo guy... but I'm frankly shocked by how awesome it is and I'm now kicking myself for wasting thousands on Gibson guitars.

I can't believe I'm about to say this but it actually plays and holds tuning better than my Gibson Les Paul Custom. .003 relief in the neck and .70/.40 action at the 12th fret, no buzzing or dead notes anywhere. That's the kind of effortless playability I always expected from Gibson and their plek jobs!!!

I was expecting it to have action a mile high, too much neck relief and fret buzz everywhere.

I've literally played my Gibsons back to back against this thing, they're supposed to be better and they're meant to play better than Epiphone's do. But this guitar is more playable and fun than they are.

It also has better resonance and sustain, I'm presuming the poly finish has something to do with that? It's just surprising to me. I could record sound samples to prove this.

The plain maple top looks gorgeous. The guitar feels more solid and reliable than my Gibsons

The Indian Laurel fingerboard is slightly lighter than the product pictures and the inlays look a bit tacky, but I could always stain the board and upgrade the inlays if I wanted to. In fact, I might do that and post the pictures here

The pickups aren't even comparable to Gibson pickups but I actually like them a lot. I think they're adequate for a lot of tones. In fact, I reckon this would sound no different to a Gibson LP if I upgraded its pots and pickups.

Just, wow.


Jul 7, 2020
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Welcome to Epi-Talk. Be prepared to be shunned by the high-end enthusiasts :)

How do they compare in weight?

In terms of weight it feels similar, if not identical to my Gibson Les Paul Classic. I'm assuming it's the guitar they've modelled it on. My Gibson Custom is heavier. But the Epiphone still feels sturdier and more reliable than they do. I can let loose on the Epiphone without any fear of it suffering any cosmetic damage, so I feel like I can express myself freely on it. As such, I've already written three songs lol so many ideas are just pouring out of me right now thanks to this guitar. I'm having a blast!

The Gibson's on the other hand... you know, I think I'm done with them now. I'm just going to sell them because honestly, what's the point when I can achieve the same result with an Epiphone. I'm also tired of playing them with kid gloves. Like, I'm holding priceless ornaments. These days I just want to rock and have fun, like a guitarist is meant to do.

Even with stock pickups the Epiphone sounds brighter and more resonant than they do. I'm not very tech savvy but I'll figure out how to upload sound clips or a video to prove it. The Gibsons have always had a dull, lifeless kind of tone which requires a lot of EQ. The Epiphone just sounds alive right out of the box. I will, however, be replacing its pickups to something I prefer because I have a feeling they'll sound better in this guitar

Even the hardware on this Epiphone is better lol for a start, the tailpiece and bridge doesn't fall off when you change strings. I like the poly finish too, it makes the guitar feel secure and I think it's complimentary to the tone of the instrument in some way as well.


Jul 7, 2020
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Pics or it didn't happen!:cool:

lol it's 2020, is that still a thing?

Can I upload video clips here? I'll make some clips, let you all hear how it sounds next to a Gibson Custom through a Marshall JCM 800 2203 with a 4x12 cabinet. The Epiphone sounds (and plays) better.

Davis Sharp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Maryland, USA
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Jul 7, 2020
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Gimme a few guys I'll make a vid and try to upload it here. I'm not into social media or internet stuff so, if anyone could give me some pointers on how to do it it'd be appreciated.

The Epiphone will go up against two Gibson Custom guitars. One has 498t/490r pickups. The other Gibson Custom has the EMG rev-set with afterburner switch (I'm a metal guitarist and they're awesome pups) I'll use a Peavey 6505 and a Marshall JCM800 2203 (100w head) my Gibson Classic is being set-up otherwise I'd record that too. I will once it returns from the tech

I don't play clean, what's the point? That's what acoustic guitars are for. But I'll play in standard tuning otherwise all everyone will hear is sludge.

The action on my Gibsons is actually slightly higher than the Epiphone (and they're plek'd instruments!) I'd say they're around .75/.45 at the 12th fret with .004 relief in the neck. The Epiphone has .70./40 action at the 12th fret and .003 relief in the neck. It's faster and more slick than the Gibsons. Easier to play and more fun.

I'll do boring things in the video, like strum notes and let them ring out and whatever. You'll physically hear that the Epiphone has more resonance and sustain.

If there's anything you'd like to see just ask


Jul 7, 2020
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View attachment 12409

ah man, I hate YouTube. If I uploaded a video there all hell would break loose. Is there anyway I can upload things here, directly? So it's just between us and this forum?

Now that I own an Epiphone I suspect all those YouTube comparison videos of EQing Gibson's to sound "better" to prevent arguments. I'm also guilty of bashing Epiphones in an elitist way and I'd never even played one before. I just did it to puff myself up, like having a Gibson made me some kind of "authority"

I also only bought Gibson's in the past to trick myself into believing that I'm a "rockstar" and to deceive other people into believing that I'm a "professional". I'm neither. I was just being an egotistical idiot and a poser. I'm just another nobody who enjoys playing guitar and I'm cool with that.

It took buying an Epiphone to make me realize that Gibson guitars actually suck. They're just ridiculously expensive copies of cheap guitars from last century which were assembled from low quality parts that failed to stand the test of time. Inlays that'd rot or catch fire. Binding that'd shrink or warp. Fingerboards that'd crack or spit out frets. Finishes that wouldn't last more than a year and necks that have the breaking strain of a matchstick

They're crap guitars. They really are. Playing this Epiphone back to back next to them has been a game changer


New Member
Feb 15, 2020
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lol it's 2020, is that still a thing?

Yes, still shots are still ery much a thing, thank goodness.

Some shots of the headstock back and front, the neck joint, binding, shot of the pots and wiring, bridge etc, all appreciated and much easier to paw over than a video.

Ohh nearly forgot, can you lift the pickups so we can see underneath them, and the routing.

Are pics still a thing, smh

Davis Sharp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Maryland, USA
Is there anyway I can upload things here, directly? So it's just between us and this forum?

No. None of these forums have the capacity to host videos (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

I turn off the comments for the two videos I've posted on YT. I already know that I have cheap gear and no talent.


Jul 7, 2020
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No. None of these forums have the capacity to host videos (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

I turn off the comments for the two videos I've posted on YT. I already know that I have cheap gear and no talent.

I don't blame you man, YT is a downer and most of the guitarists on there fake everything anyway lol like all those guys who film themselves playing a solo at 50% speed and then speed it up later. Or the ones who mime along to pre-recorded tracks and present it as a "live performance". It's just full of grade grabbing fakers. So if I uploaded a video of this Epiphone destroying my Gibsons on YT no one would believe it. They'd just accuse me of some kind of trickery. Then there's the hallucination factor. Some folks just see the name "Gibson" on a headstock and literally "imagine" it sounds better than an other guitar hahaha when in reality, it doesn't. In reality, it actually sucks.

It's amazing how we all make excuses for Gibsons. If they have high action we just accept it, "oh all Gibson's are different and this one prefers high action...". But if another brand of guitar has high action it's torn apart.

Honestly, it took this Epiphone to make me realize just how much Gibson guitars suck. They're a money pit. They cost thousands and the spending doesn't stop because you have to keep paying for them to get set up or maintained, forever.

Anyway I'm gonna figure something out, I'm determined for you guys to see (or hear) what I'm talking about


Active Member
May 2, 2019
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Traumabunny, It's very refreshing to hear somebody who owns Gibson(s) say what you said. In fact, I can't recall ever hearing a Gibson owner say this. Congrats on your revelation.

I've owned quite a few Gibson guitars in the past and all but one have been replaced by less expensive guitars that play better and, in many cases, are built better. My stripped down, no frills '78 The Paul is the only one I have had no desire to send away. It would be difficult to replace it with a better guitar for what I could sell it for, thus the reason it hasn't gone anywhere.

Anyway, welcome to the forum since you won't be allowed to associate with the cork-sniffers any longer with that attitude. :D Seriously, good to have you here.


Jul 7, 2020
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Traumabunny, It's very refreshing to hear somebody who owns Gibson(s) say what you said. In fact, I can't recall ever hearing a Gibson owner say this. Congrats on your revelation.

I've owned quite a few Gibson guitars in the past and all but one have been replaced by less expensive guitars that play better and, in many cases, are built better. My stripped down, no frills '78 The Paul is the only one I have had no desire to send away. It would be difficult to replace it with a better guitar for what I could sell it for, thus the reason it hasn't gone anywhere.

Anyway, welcome to the forum since you won't be allowed to associate with the cork-sniffers any longer with that attitude. :D Seriously, good to have you here.

lol yeah man, I think ultimately I was just going through some kind of insecure phase when I bought all these Gibsons and that's why I became a cork-sniffing, elitist snob. It's all projection man. I regret it and I cringe at myself for ever behaving that way in the past. I try to be open about it because I'm determined to be more humble these days. I think buying Gibsons is a place most guitarists go when we feel like we've failed in some way. But then you realize, wait a second I can play a musical instrument so how have I failed?

The Gibson trap is an easy one to fall into. You buy one and it sucks... and you kind of accept that it sucks because it has Gibson on the headstock and you don't want to feel like a dummy for spending thousands on something that sucks. So you make excuses for it. Or change your playing style, try to adapt to the way it is.

Eventually you buy another Gibson in the hopes that it'll play the way you've always imagined they should. But that sucks too and the cycle perpetuates. Every Gibson I've purchased was a disappointment. I had to spend even more to get them to play the way I hoped they would in the beginning and even then, they still sucked.

I'm the original owner of all my Gibsons. My recent Gibson Custom... I played it for 5 minutes and it started to leak some kind of weird, red dye. I mean, what the hell is that all about? It was all over my fingers. The other Gibson I purchased... its tune o matic bridge collapsed after a month. It literally collapsed.

That's why I'm astounded by this little Epiphone Les Paul. It's everything a Gibson Les Paul should be

Davis Sharp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Maryland, USA
My only MIA guitar is a Martin acoustic. I used to feel embarrassed by my Squier and bought in to the Fender brainwashing that I would have to "move up" to an MIA Fender. But when I got back into electric guitars (about 4 years ago), I started reading the forums and realized that my MIJ (Fujigen) Squier Strat was as good as contemporary Fenders (early 1980s). Then I read more and learned about CNC manufacturing and quality control. Asian companies have been making guitars longer than Taylor and PRS, and can build high quality ones if they want to go after that market. I decided that I can be happy with well-made, affordable Asian guitars and spend the difference on my family's needs. I have no one to impress but myself.


Jul 7, 2020
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My only MIA guitar is a Martin acoustic. I used to feel embarrassed by my Squier and bought in to the Fender brainwashing that I would have to "move up" to an MIA Fender. But when I got back into electric guitars (about 4 years ago), I started reading the forums and realized that my MIJ (Fujigen) Squier Strat was as good as contemporary Fenders (early 1980s). Then I read more and learned about CNC manufacturing and quality control. Asian companies have been making guitars longer than Taylor and PRS, and can build high quality ones if they want to go after that market. I decided that I can be happy with well-made, affordable Asian guitars and spend the difference on my family's needs. I have no one to impress but myself.

Absolutely! This is a great reply. But are they really Asian guitars? I mean, think about it. It's not like Asia invented the electric guitar or the American designs they manufacture. So surely they're still, technically, American guitars for this reason. Just American guitars being made by Asian people. Well, that's how I see it

It's usually the hardware that's the problem, cheap pickups or bridges, tuners... then the tacky inlays. But this is all stuff that can be upgraded later.

Davis Sharp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Maryland, USA
Yeah. I meant Asian-made. People debate whether the wood used in Asia is as good as or as dry as the wood used in America. I'm not interested in spending a lot of money to get the answer.

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