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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
Now it’s no surprise to people that know me to hear that I don’t like cats! I’ve never hidden the fact! Not long after Gael and I got together I was practicing archery in the back yard shooting into hay bales that were at ground level with something approximating a rabbit target.

Gael had a cat which was known as “Issy Cat” because Chris her youngest, couldn’t say “***** Cat”. One afternoon I was plonking arrows into the target when Issy bloody cat walks in front of it and stops! I had already drawn the arrow back and immediately thought,
“It was an accident, the cat just walked in front as I fired....not my fault at all!” Then my conscience got me and I lowered the bow thinking ”I can’t do it as Chris loves that bloody cat!’ I looked up and it was still there, surely this is a sign that it’s meant to go! I drew the bow back again and took aim only to lower it again, as I got hit with another wave of conscience!

I made the mistake of telling the story that night and would you believe that that rotten cat got its revenge by disappearing never to be seen after that night. To this day almost 50 years later I’m still considered a cat murderer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2021
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My grandmother's cat died at 29. Blind, deaf, scrawny. He managed to make it to the food and water bowls. He looked terrible the last time I saw him the year before he died. He just wanted to be left alone. Never was very social.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2015
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Sutton QC
What does this have to do with Epiphone? One time on my Goldwing page, Some one asked,"where did you meet your wife"? PEOPLE, STICK TO THE MEANING OF THE FORUM!!!!!!!!. If you must post, do it on FB
Here's a frog for you :)

Quite arrogant for your 5th message on Epiphone Talk.

Suggestion: just make sure you NEVER click on the Backstage portion of this forum ... or stick to your Goldwing page.

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