Hey Scooby, it's an "RWRP" Mystery


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2015
Reaction score
Maine, USA
thanks for coming in to my thread ;)
I've got what's probably a simple question for all you guitar Gurus. I've Googled the living daylights out of the question and haven't been able to find a definitve answer.
First about my guitar:
Squier Strat SE
SSS Pick ups
1 Volume
2 Tones
Basic Strat Wiring
Tone Split Mod
Bournes Premium Pots 250k
CRL 5 Way Switch
Neck P'up = 5.75
Mid P'up = "RWRP" 5.75
Bridge P'up = 5.75.

Electrical Modifications:
Treble bleed = .0015 uf /.100k
Tone Split Circuit = "Knob 1"
Adjusts Neck & Middle p'ups. Running 250k audio potentiometer with .022 capacitor.
"Knob 2"
Adjusts Bridge p'up. Running 250k audio potentiometer with .047 capacitor.
So after all that data, here's whats probably a simple question.
The middle (RWRP) pick up is louder than the neck and/or bridge pick up. I know that it's not a hardwire fault as I've "dis" and "re" assembled the guitar three times. Each time with new components which were tested good with a D.M.M. before installation.
So, I know that it's a normal condition.
My question is: Why is the "RWRP" more sensitive than a normally wound pick up?
Thanks for assuaging my curiosity.

Steven Howes

Active Member
Jun 3, 2016
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Toronto, Canada
RWRP? Reverse wound, reverse Phase? Could it just be something as simple as the pickup height? I know When I replaced my pickups I had to fiddle a bit so the the volumes were all fairly level without loosing the snap of a strat bridge pickup (which I love).


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2015
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Thanks for the response. However,
There are no strings on the instrument at the present time.
Phenomena occurs when pole piece is tapped with a metallic object.

The Convert

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
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I've noticed this, too. I do a lot of custom electronic work too. When I rewire, before i string, I plug into a little amp and tap with a fret rocker, and pretty consistently, on pos 3, the middle pickup seems to 'clack' the loudest (except maybe for the open bridge).

I don't have an answer for you, except to say that if this is the only unusual thing I observe, I've come to be confident to string it up and adjust the pup heights.

The only time I remember a problem where things were technically working, but still a sonic problem, was when mixing pups. As I recall, I had an SD SSL-5 neck, SD QP bridge, and the original Squier ceramic RWRP mid. In this case the mid was just too weak and so the 2 & 4 positions were squirrelly regardless of pup height, etc, even thought the tap test was loud. Once I popped in an SSL-1 RWRP, it was magical.

For you though, it sounds like you have a matched set of pups. I doubt you have any kind of wiring issue. At this point, unless someone else can think of something, I'd throw on $6 of strings and see what you really have.

Good luck!

Davis Sharp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Maryland, USA
I don't have the answer, but let me ask a stupid question. Do you get the same effect with the RWRP is the only connected pup or if it is connected to a different switch position. You might have to download a dB meter app to your phone for this.

Edit: Never mind. The Convert's idea sounds better.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2015
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Well guys,
I went back under the hood and hit everything with the V.O.M.
Middle still reads good, however Neck and Bridge came up 0.0k.
Did a visual on the circuit, top to bottom. No problem there.
Took Neck & Bridge completely out and removed the covers. Both exhibited a break in the wire that's wrapped around the bobbin.
Don't understand why the Neck & Bridge would be broken and the Middle survived whatever broke the other 2.
Ordered a new set of pick ups. So it should be up and running soon.
Thanks for the assistance.

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