How's Your Weather Today?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Blue skies & sunshine again with a high of 19C, We've been getting nice warm sunny days & rain in the evenings/overnight, Saves me a lot of time not having to water the planters :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
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The weather has been awesome, and the fishing has been awesome as well.
The kayaking however was not so great. Unfortunately, I rolled my kayak and lost everything but luckily some boaters were close enough to hear me scream for some help. The water was very cold and my body stiffened up and I couldn't swim.
As you can see, I did save the fish "I have priorities" and the big catfish was with one of the new fishing rods I bought.




Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
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Memphis, TN
The weather has been awesome, and the fishing has been awesome as well.
The kayaking however was not so great. Unfortunately, I rolled my kayak and lost everything but luckily some boaters were close enough to hear me scream for some help. The water was very cold and my body stiffened up and I couldn't swim.
As you can see, I did save the fish "I have priorities" and the big catfish was with one of the new fishing rods I bought.

View attachment 17666
Give me an iron skillet, some Crisco, and some seasoned corn meal for those pan fish! Fine dining!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
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Crappie are my absolute favorite. I honestly was still in shock after I rolled my kayak so I didn't filet these. I just put them in a baggie and put them in the freezer for catfish bait. Obviously it worked...:applause:


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Wisconsin, USA
The weather has been awesome, and the fishing has been awesome as well.
The kayaking however was not so great. Unfortunately, I rolled my kayak and lost everything but luckily some boaters were close enough to hear me scream for some help. The water was very cold and my body stiffened up and I couldn't swim.
As you can see, I did save the fish "I have priorities" and the big catfish was with one of the new fishing rods I bought.

View attachment 17666

View attachment 17667
Nice haul of crappie! If the rain holds off this afternoon, I’ll be going after some myself.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Another fine but cool day again, top around 16C. Lancashire beats us by 1 degree!

LOL Lancs for the win :thumb: We've got overcast skies & some wet stuff forecast later. I put some 6' bamboo canes for the peas to climb up & they're past that height already :shock:
Looks like a bumper crop of fresh peas this year.
I planted some more comfrey plants out yesterday I grew from root sections, Just hope they get established before the slugs get at them, I got some copper scouring pads & unwound them & staked it around the base of the plants tro see if that keeps the beggers off. The original comfrey plant in the garden isn't doing so good this year so I bought a couple of bottles of tomato feed yesterday just in case.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
Comfrey is the most wonderful and effective medic inal herb I’ve ever used and off season Borage is almost as good.

28 Flathead

Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2021
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84 degrees yesterday, High of 38 today with a low of 29 with 5" of rain/snow expected.

Raining right now at 38 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
So on election day here just before 0600 we have just 3C but top of 16 expected. Clear skies and 98% humidity.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
Hello mates! Been awhile but as I posted earlier I have a major move and some life altering decisions to make so my focus all spring long has been on that. Plus around the end of January I began to be plagued by some fierce and ongoing post COVID long haul symptoms that have lasted most of the spring.

Many days of feeling sick and lethargic coupled with some descents into depressions I haven't experienced in over 10 years. It's impact on my bi-polarity was pretty profound and of course no one has the foggiest idea of what to do about it or how to treat it effectively. hasn't been a barrel of laughs.

The time for moving draws ever closer. I must leave here on or before June 30 but it still has not been decided as to whether I'll remain in Colorado or move back to Wisconsin. Plan A and Plan B are still working in tandem 'til one or the other wins out and that must happen pretty damn soon. Work considerations are #1.

Wisconsin will be less costly as far as basic living expenses but the costs to move there from Denver, and 1100 mile journey, are not cheap even when I plan to do it with a rental truck and drive myself. Fuel costs alone are half the costs of the truck or more and I still have to get there before finding suitable housing.

Forty years ago when I move to Colorado I had all my ducks in a row prior to loading up to move. Now there's less surety and at my age (71 next month) it's bit scarier this time even though I have family and many friends there. There's also the issue of leaving Colorado which I truly love and moving away from my two daughters and two granddaughters whom I also truly love. Decisions, decisions.

I'll keep you posted as time permits.

But as this is a thread about weather I'm not so pleased to report that after several warm spring days with temps in the 80s and even low 90s yesterday we all awoke to several inches of very wet heavy snow, yes snow on May 21st even in Denver.

The mountains got as much as 16 inches closing several mountain passes and portions of the Interstate. We only got about 4"-8" in the city and the foothills and of course it's all melted already but going from high in the 80s to lows in the 20s virtually overnight is kind of a shock to the system. But that's Colorado for you.

Hope you all are doing well and that once my life has been put back in order I'll have more time to spend here again. 'So carry on 'til then brothers.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Hello mates! Been awhile but as I posted earlier I have a major move and some life altering decisions to make so my focus all spring long has been on that. Plus around the end of January I began to be plagued by some fierce and ongoing post COVID long haul symptoms that have lasted most of the spring.

Many days of feeling sick and lethargic coupled with some descents into depressions I haven't experienced in over 10 years. It's impact on my bi-polarity was pretty profound and of course no one has the foggiest idea of what to do about it or how to treat it effectively. hasn't been a barrel of laughs.

The time for moving draws ever closer. I must leave here on or before June 30 but it still has not been decided as to whether I'll remain in Colorado or move back to Wisconsin. Plan A and Plan B are still working in tandem 'til one or the other wins out and that must happen pretty damn soon. Work considerations are #1.

Wisconsin will be less costly as far as basic living expenses but the costs to move there from Denver, and 1100 mile journey, are not cheap even when I plan to do it with a rental truck and drive myself. Fuel costs alone are half the costs of the truck or more and I still have to get there before finding suitable housing.

Forty years ago when I move to Colorado I had all my ducks in a row prior to loading up to move. Now there's less surety and at my age (71 next month) it's bit scarier this time even though I have family and many friends there. There's also the issue of leaving Colorado which I truly love and moving away from my two daughters and two granddaughters whom I also truly love. Decisions, decisions.

I'll keep you posted as time permits.

But as this is a thread about weather I'm not so pleased to report that after several warm spring days with temps in the 80s and even low 90s yesterday we all awoke to several inches of very wet heavy snow, yes snow on May 21st even in Denver.

The mountains got as much as 16 inches closing several mountain passes and portions of the Interstate. We only got about 4"-8" in the city and the foothills and of course it's all melted already but going from high in the 80s to lows in the 20s virtually overnight is kind of a shock to the system. But that's Colorado for you.

Hope you all are doing well and that once my life has been put back in order I'll have more time to spend here again. 'So carry on 'til then brothers.

Hi Soulman Great to hear from you, That's a big upheaval, I hope everything works out for you. :yesway:

Grey cloudy here with a high of 14C.

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