Les Paul vs Les Paul vs Les Paul

Risa Engel

New Member
Jul 8, 2020
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I've been playing for several years, mostly acoustic. I recently upgraded from an old Yamaha to an Epiphone el 00. It has a solid spruce top, and sounds fantastic. On a return visit to the shop, for strings, I was bitten by the Les Paul bug.

They have a large selection of LP's, the one that caught my eye was an Epiphone standard plus top. I also really liked a black back custom model, that was on sale.

The sales guy also showed me a honey burst Gibson LP tribute.

I've read some on the web about the differences, pro & con. Most seem to center on the price difference, not the quality or sound. Thought I'd ask here.


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Jan 25, 2015
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Sutton QC
THAT is a loaded question.

You are very lucky to be able to try many LP before buying. So try every one you can. It is the surest way to find the best one FOR YOU. Don't mind the headstock shape or what's written on it. A Gibson won't necessarely give you something better.

Now have fun in your quest.

Davis Sharp

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Jul 12, 2016
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Maryland, USA
Welcome to Epi-Talk. What's your budget for a new LP? And if you bought the LP Std +top, what could you do with the money you save by not buying the Gibson. Remember, you'll need an amp and eventually pedals.

As BGood wrote, try them all. Know that the salesman's job is to upsell you and he will go on about how cheaply made the Epis are and that you'll eventually have to upgrade to a Gibson. Ignore that. Trust your ears and hands.

Risa Engel

New Member
Jul 8, 2020
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What's your budget for a new LP? And if you bought the LP Std +top, what could you do with the money you save by not buying the Gibson. Remember, you'll need an amp and eventually pedals.

As BGood wrote, try them all. Know that the salesman's job is to upsell you and he will go on about how cheaply made the Epis are and that you'll eventually have to upgrade to a Gibson. Ignore that. Trust your ears and hands.

The Gibson is roughly twice as much as the Std +top.

I have my father's old Fender amp, so I'm covered there. I don't have any pedals, so that's a consideration. I have the money for the Gibson, but I don't want to spend extra if there's no reason.


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Jan 27, 2015
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Welcome to EpiphoneTalk. I'm not gonna play the Gibson vs Epiphone game, I've got some of each and they are all great. I will say that the Epiphone LP Standard + Tops are fine guitars. The differences in sound and feel are totally subjective, so get the one that plays and sounds best to you.


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Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
The Gibson is roughly twice as much as the Std +top.

I have my father's old Fender amp, so I'm covered there. I don't have any pedals, so that's a consideration. I have the money for the Gibson, but I don't want to spend extra if there's no reason.

The best opinion I can offer from the experience of having played and compared like Epiphones to a Gibson counterpart is this. The best Gibson you'll find is not 2x to 3x better than the best Epiphone.

The differences are marginal and I don't believe it would be out of line to say the Epiphone will be at least 80%-90% as good overall as it's Gibson cousin. In some cases I even prefer Epiphone pickups.

Some will say a Gibson retains higher resale value which only comes into play if you ever plan to sell it but IMHO it's still relative to their price. If a used $500 Epiphone sells for 70% of it's new price you get $150 less than you paid. But if a comparable $1500 Gibson also sells for 70% it's new price you get $450 less than you paid for it and based on my own experience I believe those are fairly realistic numbers.

So buy whichever you prefer based on the thinking that it's gonna be a long time keeper. JMHO


Jul 7, 2020
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I've been playing for several years, mostly acoustic. I recently upgraded from an old Yamaha to an Epiphone el 00. It has a solid spruce top, and sounds fantastic. On a return visit to the shop, for strings, I was bitten by the Les Paul bug.

They have a large selection of LP's, the one that caught my eye was an Epiphone standard plus top. I also really liked a black back custom model, that was on sale.

The sales guy also showed me a honey burst Gibson LP tribute.

I've read some on the web about the differences, pro & con. Most seem to center on the price difference, not the quality or sound. Thought I'd ask here.

If the Epiphone caught your eye then it's the one because it'll inspire you to play or have fun playing. If you can afford a Gibson Tribute model... I'd suggest buying an Epiphone anyway. Then use the change to get it plek'd and upgrade its pots, pickups and hardware too. You'd end up with a vastly superior guitar for less than the price of a Gibson.

Ignore all the pros and cons you've seen written online, decide for yourself whether it's good for you or not.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
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Satan's Armpit, (aka St. Petersburg, FL)
If the Epiphone caught your eye then it's the one because it'll inspire you to play or have fun playing. If you can afford a Gibson Tribute model... I'd suggest buying an Epiphone anyway.
Good so far.
Then use the change to get it plek'd and upgrade its pots, pickups and hardware too. You'd end up with a vastly superior guitar for less than the price of a Gibson.
I don't know that having it plek'd is 100% necessary. I haven't come across a recent ('07 forward) Epi that needed more than a slight spot level around the neck joint. Pickups are completely subjective, a LOT of the guys who have bought newer Epi's have had favorable reports on the stock pickups of late. Also, I should mention that the 2020 models have a GraphTech nut, CTS pots and Orange Drop caps in them from the factory.
Ignore all the pros and cons you've seen written online, decide for yourself whether it's good for you or not.
This, 100%

I'm a modder by nature, I modify damn near everything I get my hands on but this current crop of Epi's has truly impressed me. To quote myself from another thread:
They keep making 'em like this and I won't have anything to mod!
Literally, a jack and some tuners, both personal preference. That's really all I'm seeing on these '20 models out of the gate that I'd mess with. Even the cap tolerance is right where I like it based on what I saw in your cavity.

Me, as a modder / tech seeing actual guitars with the advertised 2020 specs.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
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I don't know that having it plek'd is 100% necessary. I haven't come across a recent ('07 forward) Epi that needed more than a slight spot level around the neck joint.
I agree. My Riviera's fingerboard and frets are superbly well done. plek is great, but I don't think it's necessary for most guitars/guitarists. I used to play in three bands and probably put in 5-6 hours/day, so I noticed the slight difference between plek'd and not.
As a working pro I appreciated the improvement. I had a MiM Strat done at SF guitarworks and don't regret it. If you want that microscopic level of perfection, inquire about the upcharge. I paid about $200 iirc for plek'd nut and frets.


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May 2, 2019
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As everyone else has said, play as many as you can and buy the one that speaks to you without concern for the name on the headstock.

I have more expensive guitars but my Epiphone LQ is still one of my favorites because it plays, sounds, and looks great without breaking the bank.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2020
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I've been playing for several years, mostly acoustic. I recently upgraded from an old Yamaha to an Epiphone el 00. It has a solid spruce top, and sounds fantastic. On a return visit to the shop, for strings, I was bitten by the Les Paul bug.

They have a large selection of LP's, the one that caught my eye was an Epiphone standard plus top. I also really liked a black back custom model, that was on sale.

The sales guy also showed me a honey burst Gibson LP tribute.

I've read some on the web about the differences, pro & con. Most seem to center on the price difference, not the quality or sound. Thought I'd ask here.

"..on the visit to the shop to get strings for my acoustic guitar, I was bitten by the Les Paul bug."

This sort of thing happens all the the time, with everything happening today you would think a warning should be posted.......

Risa Engel

New Member
Jul 8, 2020
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I wasn't able to make it to the shop on Sunday, and had to wait until Wednesday. I was kinda relieved to see the Gibson LP tribute was already sold. This left me with my original two choices.

Unfortunately the salesman wasn't finished. He showed me what he called; "the best of both worlds." An ocean blue LP Traditional with USA Gibson pickups. I played all three through a couple of amps similar to my Fender. I guess, I should've blown away by the Traditional's USA pickups, but I just wasn't. After new strings, and some setting up, I am the proud owner of a heritage cherry sunburst Standard plus top.

:)Thank you to all the posters.

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