Quest for the one: LP Special VE vs SG Special VE vs LP Special II

LP VE vs SG VE vs LP Spec II

  • Les Paul VE

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SG VE

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Les Paul Special II

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
May 30, 2019
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I am new in here...had a bunch of all kinds of guitars over the years in order to explore different categories...(had one Epi...a Goth Explorer...was a great guitar)...

So, a bit of an intro...long one...
* * * * *
From day one, and soon it is going to be 20 years since, i am after the one...romantic, yeah...
A one guitar that could cover all of my needs...Surely, some areas with more success than the others...but i was ALWAYS a one guitar guy... a loyal and faithful guy...:)
(despite being through over 30..closer to 40... different axes over the years, as i managed to calculate and remember...some were one night standers, while several were the returning darlings...)...
Of course, through years, tastes and preferences tend to change...expand...or sometimes converge... but i went from 24 fret floyd rose necessity 7 strings to one pickup Junior style guitars..and almost anything in between...

Yet, as time goes by, and we mature..or...we get wiser...or...simply we grow tired...i have detected a tendency and trend in my preferences...which gives sense to all the previous experience...

So, over the years, after gaining enough experience with all kinds of guitars / music styles, despite still having some sideways explorations, minimalism: things without useless excess leaned toward simplicity is what draws my attention the most...
When verbalized, criteria for an instrument i am after may sound like this...

- An instrument without excess of any kind...
- Easily replaceable, even kind of expandable, being worldwide available...
- NO blatant ripoff/copy/forgery design wise (this one came quite later on..never gave it too much thought before, otherwise than pricewise... but it is a matter of principle and intellectual property...)
- Ability to provide favorable sonic spectrum and functionality/playabilty
- Inspiring instrument (a criteria which implicates all of the above, but mixed with some impossible to explain irrational x factor...where overall looks and vibe come into play - big time)
* * * * *

When all of these are translated into more reasonable and concise formulation, it becomes very simple:

The aim of my quest is a decent affordable Epiphone / Squier instrument which gives me a hard on i am, to find out some information and experience about the few that come into play...

- SG special VE
- Les Paul Special VE
- Les Paul Special II

Overall, i love: worn finish, big frets, thick neck, light weight (SG is in advantage in here, but never had one, maybe it is finally time to go for it) - most of this is a plus for VE.
What i am not sure about, is the poplar vs mahogany aspect, which gives advantage to Special II (although have read that there are some other information about Special II not being always mahogany?).
If i got it right, VE has replaced Special II series, which is a plus for VE for years to come (although there is a plenty of Special IIs on the market, being among No.1 sellers).
Pickups are no deal breaker, and pricing is very much the same....

Any input / opinion / comparison experience is welcome and sincerely appreciated
Mar 21, 2019
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I definitely see specials (looking for a nice P90 one myself) on the used market a bit more than the VE's & they are quite cheap. As always if you can try a bunch & pick the best one for you, definitely recommend. I love SG's, lightweight & the fret access is nice, but of course you gotta keep an out on the output jack. I think you'd be surprised at the weight of the LP VE & the Specials as well, they don't have the thickness of a traditional LP shape & are what I imagine are pretty comfortable for most people.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2017
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I liked my Epiphone LP Spec II, but I haven't tried the others in your list.

This was my stock demo:

And, I mod'ed it, for your convenience, stock is on left channel and mod'ed on right at 2:32:


New Member
May 30, 2019
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Somehow i completely left these thoughts here...
And since never got the notification or anything..forgot about this...
A year and a bit more have passed...
Not much changed, aside of me testing some more instruments...quite a bit in the meantime...

Yet, we go in circles in it is very interesting that i am contemplating similar, only that i am looking for a step up to set neck-mahogany combo as a basic criteria as well...

which brings me to EPI LP studio (dot marker version..i do not want that make up excess)..and its SG parallel..which i am unable to find...
Goth ones seem like a good version of it as well..although, in ideal world, a worn finish with dots would be perfect combo...


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2015
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Sutton QC
One guitar fulfilled for me all of your criterias and still does to this day. I've had it for 7 years now and it is still one I pick up every day, amongst a bunch of "better" more expensive ones. So much so that I got a second one to leave at the summer place 1500km away, so I don't have to carry gear there. It's the only one I play for 3 months every year.

Did you ever have a P90 equipped guitar ? If not, t h i s i s the one you need.

I recently got its bigger sister, a 2020 LP Special. It is by far a better guitar, but the cheap one still gets its daily play time.

Special sisters.jpg


New Member
May 30, 2019
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One guitar fulfilled for me all of your criterias and still does to this day. I've had it for 7 years now and it is still one I pick up every day, amongst a bunch of "better" more expensive ones. So much so that I got a second one to leave at the summer place 1500km away, so I don't have to carry gear there. It's the only one I play for 3 months every year.

Did you ever have a P90 equipped guitar ? If not, t h i s i s the one you need.

I recently got its bigger sister, a 2020 LP Special. It is by far a better guitar, but the cheap one still gets its daily play time.

Actually, i LOVE p90s, my fav pickups...
I even think of converting one of these in Junior...
Those are very rare in here, never saw one...!
Thanks for sharing...! Beautiful!

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