TAD Class A converters

  • Thread starter imnotcreative
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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
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Zaandam, The Netherlands
Though i like the sound of my Fender Hotrod Deluxe, it is a bit loud..

Then i found TAD Class A converters in triode and pentode versions. You can replace 6L6GC, 5881, EL34, KT66 and 6V6GT for EL84/6BQ5 tubes and operate them in Class A (only works on Class A/B amps as far as i know)
Claimed to reduce output to 7/9 watts per converter for the Pentone version and 4/5 watt per converter for the Tritone version. The Pentone is said to preserve the overal tonal character of the amp and the Tritone makes the EQ a bit more linear.
Also no need to reset the bias.

Got me curious so i got a set of both to try and see which i liked best. I've been messing about with both sets over the weekend and it's the Tritone for me. They make it easier to dial in the bass which can be a bit tricky the way the tone controls are wired in this amp. And above all, it's a lot quieter than before. It's still loud but now i can crank the clean channel to the point of breakup without going deaf.

Do make sure your amp can take the converters. You can easily send Tad an email if you want to know if your amp can handle them.

more info here:


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
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Zaandam, The Netherlands
All my tube amps have EL84 power-tubes
the Laneys are 15 Watt,
the Mesa can be switched from 25 to 15 to 5 watts
so I think I will not need such converters

It's more for people who have really loud amps they wish to tame a bit

You can basically turn a 100 watt amp with 4 output tubes into a 20/30 watt amp making it much more manageable in smaller spaces


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2015
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Central California
I have a gain knob on my old Digitech 2112 SGS, it drives the two 12ax7 tubes in the unit, then the signal goes out of 2112's balanced left and right outputs into two VHT Valvulator (each w/ a 12ax7 tube, before going into two Crate Power Blocks.

If I use the gain knob and can take my clean tones from Fender clean to a classic Vox on the edge of break up.
With distorted tones, that gain knob can push those two 12ax7 tubes to go from a JMT, Plexi, any JCM Marshall model, Carvinamps, VHT amps, any Mesa Boogie amp or any rectified amp created.
I can combine the tube or transitory amp tone, use one or the other or run the tube on the left or run the transistor amp on the left.

I am a 100% tube hound. The dynamics out of tubes, for me, blows away IRs, in terms of touch sensitivities and reactions from the guitar volume/tone knobs and from the players pickups, where the player picks/ plucks on the guitar body .


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2018
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Those tube converters will not appreciably lower your volume. Halving your amps power section will only lower your volume by 3db.

3db is basically the amount the average human ear can discern as being different. Soooo every so slightly lower but practically no difference.

You can lower your volume much more noticeably by swapping your speakers for less efficient speakers. Or by using some sort of attenuation device.

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