Wanted Slash Chibson Snakepit Guitar Will Pay $$$$$

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Damien Vivona

Nov 16, 2021
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Looking for a Slash Chibson Snakepit cobra inlay guitar will pay $$$$. Left or Right handed serious buyer.... Please call (561) 573-6367IMG_2505.jpg

Damien Vivona

Nov 16, 2021
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Hey man if you want to buy a real one for Christmas I could send you the link my friend.:D:rofl:

Damien Vivona

Nov 16, 2021
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I'm going to change my post, If you would like to contribute to my Christmas gift here it is. Much appreciated to whoever wants to purchase this for me.

Slash Snakepit Reverb.jpg


Jan 16, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2017
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Satan's Armpit, (aka St. Petersburg, FL)
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the forum rules.

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.

The Federal criminal laws that prohibit any person from trafficking in counterfeit goods and services apply not only to the counterfeiter—the law applies with equal force to any individual or company that knowingly resells a counterfeit product. (18 U.S.C. 2320). This law, known as the Trademark Counterfeiting Act of 1984, carries substantial monetary fines (up to $5 million) and prison time (up to 20 years imprisonment or in some cases life) for individuals and companies who violate the Act.

The Act makes it illegal for any person to intentionally traffic, or attempt to traffic, in goods or services and knowingly use a counterfeit trademark on or in connection (such as product labeling and packaging) with those goods or services. The term “traffic” is broadly defined to include the sale of a product that bears a counterfeit trademark. Traffic also means transporting, transferring or otherwise disposing of a product for money or anything of value.

A counterfeit trademark means a spurious mark or designation (e.g., packaging, labeling) that is identical with, or substantially indistinguishable from, a trademark which is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and is used on goods without the consent of the trademark owner. A counterfeit certification mark is considered a counterfeit trademark. Criminal liability requires that the seller had actual knowledge, or constructive knowledge (reasonably should have known under the circumstances), that the product or its labeling or packaging contained a counterfeit trademark.

So anyone who knowingly sells (which is what you're asking someone to do) counterfeit products has a lot to lose under the Federal law:

  • Imprisonment – Up to 10 years for the first offense and up to 20 years for a repeat offender. An offender who knowingly or recklessly causes death as a result of an unlawful sale faces up to life in prison.
  • Fines – Up to $15.0 million for corporations and $5.0 million for individuals who are repeat offenders.
  • Seizure and destruction of the counterfeit products in the wholesaler-distributor’s possession.
  • Civil lawsuits by the trademark owner under the Federal trademark law for the recovery of damages, lost profits, attorneys’ fees and injunctive relief. Gibby doesn't play.

Good day.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2017
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Some serious business, asking to buy a counterfeit guitar... :shock:


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2017
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Replica vs. counterfeit is of course highly debatable, but I would say a replica would be either a brands attempt to re-make its own classic guitarmodel as close to the original as possible, or an independent Luthier (or another brand) attempting the same thing without claiming it's the actual make and model. Still with the highest possible quality.

A counterfeit would be someone trying to make a guitarmodel look as close to the original as possible, but produced in the cheapest possible way, still trying to convince the customer that it is an original (or at least not denying), trying to make as much profit as possible.

Then of course, there will alway be grey area cases.

The Convert

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
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IMO a "replica" is what we call a signature guitar. Gibson and Epiphone sell Slash guitar replicas. A "counterfeit" is an illegal copy of (in this case) a specific guitar design that someone else owns the rights to.

So I think there are at least two layers to this. If a company copies another company's design, but they call it something different, then that is probably copyright infringement, and a civil matter between the companies (in the US). If an individual sells a guitar that is identified as a model of guitar (in for-sale description, headstock logo, or overwhelming design (JEM grip, Snakepit inlays, etc)), then that is probably fraud and a criminal act.

Again, IMO, if someone was trying to sell me the guitar pictured in the top post, and said "*wink* This is a Chibson and not a real Gibson, so don't try to sell it off as a Gibson later. *wink*", I'd have to guess that still has to be fraud. That's because the composition of the item itself constitutes the "intentional perversion of truth" that underlies the crime.

In the end, cheaters cheat, and don't often get caught. So if Vivona wants to be the problem, there's no stopping them.

Only thing that really irritates me at all is that they brought this Chibson nonsense to an Epiphone board.

Hmmm...I can't seem to find a Chibson board. Why would that be? Oh yeah... because it'd be solely focused on illegal contraband.

Damien Vivona

Nov 16, 2021
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Dude are you guys serious? Right now you people buy Epiphone's that are chinese manufactured. So what are you guys talking about!!! "What's the beef" All this legal mumbo jumbo..

You guys really believe your own hype? You are saving the guitar world by stating the obvious??? In my opinion Epiphone's manufactured in Korea, China and Indonesia are all crap. In the immortal words of AXL "Don't Cry":rofl:

If you guys really want to talk about a conversation piece go and purchase a real Gibson Les Paul preferably vintage. Or at least a Epiphone Elitist or Japanese manufactured Orville Les Paul.

You can't dictate a players personal preference on what guitar somebody wants to play or own. These replica they've been manufactured since time and memorial. Yes there are some legalities and a point to your conversation at hand.

But let's face it the guitar community still purchase's these guitar despite your arguments. So my advice to inquire minds wants to know. To each's own!!!!:dude:

The Convert

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
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Dude. It’s not who or where it’s manufactured. It’s who legally owns the design and who has legal right to produce it. Epiphone, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Gibson has the legal right to make Les Pauls, etc. And Epiphone, Gibson or any company has the right to determine where and how they want to manufacture their products.

I think it’s lovely that you have opinions, but the law doesn’t care that you don’t agree. There’s a reason that Chibsons get intercepted in customs…it’s because they are illegal reproductions. That’s also why I think you’ve taken this cowardly approach. You put 99% of the risk on the original buyer, and then hope to buy it from them for cheap without having to risk the total loss of your investment if the guitar gets seized.

And based on the Chibsons that have been brought to me to repair, as for their quality, I’d rather have an LTD Eclipse than a Chinese ripoff of an R9.

Biut you are clearly just looking for guitars to flip, not play, as you don’t care if they are left or right handed.

Take your sad, illegal schemes elsewhere.
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