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  1. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    We had 22C for our first day of Spring here at Mallacoota today. My morning started as it so often does down here sitting on the deck appreciating nature around us. Gael joined Bella and I later followed by breakfast cooked on the BBQ. “Women cant cook on a BBQ” I said, but guess what, she...
  2. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    On Friday I had a talk to a carddiologist and his opinion is that according to tests there is no indication of heart or circulatory problems. He seemed to suggest it was a bit unusual for a bloke of my age (78) to be doing the hard work that I regularly do. Grin~ As you can imagine we...
  3. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Today is the first day of Spring here in Australia and for the next couple of days we are going ro get some pretty rough weather! Winds approaching minor cyclone levels in some areas apparently. We are at Mallacoota and our maximum expected is 22C.
  4. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    Indeed Paul as I head for a tele call with a cardiologist first thing this morning. We will be packed and move on from there to Mallacoota to spend a couple of days with our best mates, as where I have to go is 30 minutes on the way heading east.
  5. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    21C here today! I had to go up to the shed around 2AM as a wombat, a very active one, was tripping the sensor light every few minutes and flooding the place with light which was keeping me awake. I went up and turned the light off. The wind at that time was warm and gusty which I wasn’t...
  6. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    I’m here to tell you that people passing out of your life doesn’t get any better as you get older mate.
  7. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    Well no luck yet and I think I have a lot to learn about setting wire snares. After the war everyone here subsisted on Bunnies or fish and we frequently went foraging for mushrooms in season. I had rabbit in so many ways I struggle to think about eating them nowadays. However we have friends...
  8. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    19C expected here today and hopefully the end of the high winds we’ve experienced for the last couple of days. Only a coupe of days of winter left to go!
  9. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    Did all kinds of stuff yesterday. Worked on the Ute, serviced chainsaws, charged batteries, sprayed weeds and finally set a snare (trap) over a new Rabbit hole on the fenceline. I’ll check the trap just in case I’ve caught something (roast bunny anybody?) first off, and then take a buggy full...
  10. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    but with strong storms coming through later!~
  11. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    20C here today but unseasonably high winter temperatures in other parts of Oz! Temps of 40C plus make you wonder what the hotter seasons are liklely to bring? Almost time to break out the shorts?
  12. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    Heading into town early this morning for a haircut!
  13. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Down to 19C here today and clear skies. Kangaroo grazing on the hill!
  14. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Lovely days still with a maximum of 24C again today. We didn’t need heating at all last night! Expecting some late rain!
  15. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    24C expected here today and mild over night.
  16. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    We are going to a funeral this morning sadly. Ian Haggar was 94 and lived in this area all of those years, being born here. He was our last remaining link to a rich history that saw this small hamlet as a stop on the way the Gold fields in the ranges behind us. A settlement developed and when...
  17. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Feels like Spring, but it isn’t quite there yet. 20C and a late sprinkle.
  18. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    I wandered around in my buggy yesterday searching for outbreaks of Scotch Thistle and found plenty of them! Searching though our bush was lovely with pools of sunlight dappling the floor! With loads of branches down I had to be sure that none of the sticks I was stepping over wiggled~ I have...
  19. Digger

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Late showers with a top of 18C.
  20. Digger

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    I’m getting more old fartish as every day goes by Paul. Chuckle~ My oldest girl turns 57 in a couple of months.

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