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  1. soulman969

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Back into the warmth. It's partly sunny with an expected high of 78°.
  2. soulman969

    Next build

    That is so damn cool! Great job brother!
  3. soulman969

    Help me identify this Epiphone

    Ah hell Jean you're right. Forgot about the metric thing. Thanks for catching this. :cheers:
  4. soulman969

    Help me identify this Epiphone

    Welcome to the forum. :cheers: The knobs are black Gibson Speed Knobs. Amazon has them but I believe you'll find you can also get them through online dealers or other sources who sell Gibson parts.
  5. soulman969

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Reporting another proper Lancastrian day here. 56° and 96% RH with full overcast and rain off and on. We don't get weather like this very often so actually it's providing a nice break from the brutal heat we had a week ago. The high today will still be in the 60°s but tomorrow we begin...
  6. soulman969

    We Can Talk Sports Here.....

    You come to Colorado and I will show as many mountains as you care to see. As for my post I was only saying that never having been to France I can't identify some of the sites but I surely enjoy the photos. The screen saver on my laptop rotates through all kinds of sites around the world and...
  7. soulman969

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    Oh and that's not all. Her last email to me included an offer to renew our lease. :wow: Can you believe it? I have to wonder if both our last property manager and the one from earlier in the year whose been a major PIA and who I'm sure has been behind all of the friction we've experienced have...
  8. soulman969

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Well so far today is even stranger than expected. After a high of around 97° on Monday and Tuesday right now we're perched at 57° with 96% RH. Seems we've borrowed some of Ian's Lancashire weather. Seriously, it's like a damp, wet, autumn day. More like November than early August. The...
  9. soulman969

    How's Your Weather Today?

    11:30 PM and it's 64° which my weather person says will also be our high for the day tomorrow. So we go from a week of highs in the mid to high 90°s to a high of 64° in just one day? At least there's some rain in the forecast. Gotta love this crazy weather. 🤪
  10. soulman969

    Identification of Epiphone Les Paul "variants" (?)

    I think it's a great question and one both Peter and Jean have answered as well as can be answered. I can only add that doing some research and homework should help you to recognize the features of certain models and what sets them apart from another model. Sellers typically post photos that...
  11. soulman969

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    Well now I know why we've heard nothing back regarding our rental situation. The onsite property manager quit giving no notice at all so we have yet another temporary manager whose in the dark about it all. This will be the sixth one in a year. Doesn't sound to me like these ladies enjoy...
  12. soulman969

    What does your guitar strap say about you?

    That you like soft baby's bottoms???? :D Can't say I blame you. I've done my share of diapering over the years.
  13. soulman969

    What does your guitar strap say about you?

    Welcome to the forum brother! :cheers: Thanks for jumping in.
  14. soulman969

    What does your guitar strap say about you?

    Welcome to the forum Tony! :cheers: You and I choose straps based on much the same principles.
  15. soulman969

    What does your guitar strap say about you?

    RoverV welcome to our forum. :cheers: I've never thought matching straps were ever a necessity but for awhile I did have Fender Tweed Straps on all of my Teles. Then I shifted over to the wider black Levy's straps because they're more comfortable and everything goes with basic black.
  16. soulman969


    I'm more into these cats. :D
  17. soulman969

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    The back pain can still be uncomfortable some days Ian but at now I know what's causing it and a path to dealing with it. Unfortunately that would mean using some medications and injections I'd rather avoid for now so I'll see how much some physical therapy can help for starters. As for the...
  18. soulman969

    How's Your Weather Today?

    Looks like this is the last of our 90° plus days for awhile. High of 97° forecast then tonight we get a major shift in the weather pattern and we drop into the mid to low 70°s for a few days with some rain at long last.
  19. soulman969

    What does your guitar strap say about you?

    Is it possible they don't speak German? That could be it. Or possibly they're just shy. I'd suggest having you open the conversation. You know, encourage them. :D
  20. soulman969

    Where’s Lancpudin?

    Had an appt with the Orthopedic doc today and learned my back is not as bad off as I thought it might have been. He suggested some physical therapy and some home exercising for now and an evaluation in a few months before we consider other treatments. Other than that roomie Steve and I...

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