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  1. T

    Les Paul vs Les Paul vs Les Paul

    If the Epiphone caught your eye then it's the one because it'll inspire you to play or have fun playing. If you can afford a Gibson Tribute model... I'd suggest buying an Epiphone anyway. Then use the change to get it plek'd and upgrade its pots, pickups and hardware too. You'd end up with a...
  2. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    You're right. They are surviving on their name and history to make up for their lack of quality. If I had an entourage of on-call guitar techs around (like a touring rockstar does) I'm sure I could make my Gibsons play as well as theirs do and if I had a professional sound crew mixing my live...
  3. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    lol I'm gonna be upfront with people man, I'm on a mission now. People deserve the truth and it'll make up for all those years I was a jerk. I hate the idea of ripping a fellow musician off. I'll never forget how starry-eyed I was when I got my first Gibson. I was expecting the thing to have...
  4. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    I wish I had your attitude before I was dumb enough to go down the Gibson route. I recently watched a short documentary about an original Gibson '59 Les Paul. The luthier had it laid out on a workbench and he was discussing its construction and how it was made. That's when it dawned on me...
  5. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    I feel the same way myself. I'll never be a rockstar or a professional guitarist, so I don't need thousand dollar tone woods I fully agree with you and your buddy. If anything, I actually think the Epiphone is BETTER made and I'll tell you why. I own several Gibsons and their truss rods suck...
  6. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    Absolutely! This is a great reply. But are they really Asian guitars? I mean, think about it. It's not like Asia invented the electric guitar or the American designs they manufacture. So surely they're still, technically, American guitars for this reason. Just American guitars being made by...
  7. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    lol yeah man, I think ultimately I was just going through some kind of insecure phase when I bought all these Gibsons and that's why I became a cork-sniffing, elitist snob. It's all projection man. I regret it and I cringe at myself for ever behaving that way in the past. I try to be open about...
  8. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    I don't blame you man, YT is a downer and most of the guitarists on there fake everything anyway lol like all those guys who film themselves playing a solo at 50% speed and then speed it up later. Or the ones who mime along to pre-recorded tracks and present it as a "live performance". It's just...
  9. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    ah man, I hate YouTube. If I uploaded a video there all hell would break loose. Is there anyway I can upload things here, directly? So it's just between us and this forum? Now that I own an Epiphone I suspect all those YouTube comparison videos of EQing Gibson's to sound "better" to prevent...
  10. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    Gimme a few guys I'll make a vid and try to upload it here. I'm not into social media or internet stuff so, if anyone could give me some pointers on how to do it it'd be appreciated. The Epiphone will go up against two Gibson Custom guitars. One has 498t/490r pickups. The other Gibson Custom...
  11. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    lol it's 2020, is that still a thing? Can I upload video clips here? I'll make some clips, let you all hear how it sounds next to a Gibson Custom through a Marshall JCM 800 2203 with a 4x12 cabinet. The Epiphone sounds (and plays) better.
  12. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    In terms of weight it feels similar, if not identical to my Gibson Les Paul Classic. I'm assuming it's the guitar they've modelled it on. My Gibson Custom is heavier. But the Epiphone still feels sturdier and more reliable than they do. I can let loose on the Epiphone without any fear of it...
  13. T

    Blown away by the Epiphone Les Paul Classic 2020

    I'm a longtime Gibson user/owner and this is my first ever Epiphone. I ordered the Epiphone Les Paul Classic in gloss finish (which comes stock with CTS pots) I bought it out of curiosity/lockdown boredom and because its upgraded headstock looks cool. I wasn't expecting much from it because...

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