How's Your Weather Today?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Wisconsin, USA
Hello mates! Been awhile but as I posted earlier I have a major move and some life altering decisions to make so my focus all spring long has been on that. Plus around the end of January I began to be plagued by some fierce and ongoing post COVID long haul symptoms that have lasted most of the spring.

Many days of feeling sick and lethargic coupled with some descents into depressions I haven't experienced in over 10 years. It's impact on my bi-polarity was pretty profound and of course no one has the foggiest idea of what to do about it or how to treat it effectively. hasn't been a barrel of laughs.

The time for moving draws ever closer. I must leave here on or before June 30 but it still has not been decided as to whether I'll remain in Colorado or move back to Wisconsin. Plan A and Plan B are still working in tandem 'til one or the other wins out and that must happen pretty damn soon. Work considerations are #1.

Wisconsin will be less costly as far as basic living expenses but the costs to move there from Denver, and 1100 mile journey, are not cheap even when I plan to do it with a rental truck and drive myself. Fuel costs alone are half the costs of the truck or more and I still have to get there before finding suitable housing.

Forty years ago when I move to Colorado I had all my ducks in a row prior to loading up to move. Now there's less surety and at my age (71 next month) it's bit scarier this time even though I have family and many friends there. There's also the issue of leaving Colorado which I truly love and moving away from my two daughters and two granddaughters whom I also truly love. Decisions, decisions.

I'll keep you posted as time permits.

But as this is a thread about weather I'm not so pleased to report that after several warm spring days with temps in the 80s and even low 90s yesterday we all awoke to several inches of very wet heavy snow, yes snow on May 21st even in Denver.

The mountains got as much as 16 inches closing several mountain passes and portions of the Interstate. We only got about 4"-8" in the city and the foothills and of course it's all melted already but going from high in the 80s to lows in the 20s virtually overnight is kind of a shock to the system. But that's Colorado for you.

Hope you all are doing well and that once my life has been put back in order I'll have more time to spend here again. 'So carry on 'til then brothers.
I’m a bit partial to Wisconsin, for what that’s worth! Stay safe and well!


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
I’m a bit partial to Wisconsin, for what that’s worth! Stay safe and well!

Well I guess.....LOL. I lived in Wisconsin for nearly 20 years before moving to Colorado so returning to my former home and friends there it won't be altogether foreign but I still favor Colorado and our climate to Wisconsin.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
Hi Soulman Great to hear from you, That's a big upheaval, I hope everything works out for you. :yesway:

Grey cloudy here with a high of 14C.

It's quite an upheaval. Actually more than I really want to undertake right now but my options here in Colorado may make it the best option.

I have an iron or two in the fire as far as staying here but moving away from Denver to more rural areas north or me nearer my daughter and her family.

Her company is looking at hiring me and if that comes through I'll move closer to Ft Collins where they live and her company is located.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
I wish you luck with whatever you decide Mr Soulman and things are harder once you get beyond 70, but then you know that.

Weather here is about the same.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
Brrrrr! Cold here this morning just before 6AM. Just 1 degree C they say.

However 17 max expected and 99% humidty.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
I'm gonna very cautiously say the snow should now be over but then I would have thought we'd already gotten to that point before last Saturday's dump of several inches of wet heavy frozen water.

70 and sunny today and headed for the 80s tomorrow and through the weekend. Today marks roughly one month 'til my planned move date. Just hoping it all comes together quickly now so I know which direction I'm headed in.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
Close to zero here of a morning but goregeous mid teen days.

I hardly ever wear many clothes but a trip into town early yesterday made me regret not wearing more, I froze my bum off! OK I need to accept that winter is just a few days away, I suppose. Sigh~

At least we get an extra degree today....17C max.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
Close to zero here of a morning but goregeous mid teen days.

I hardly ever wear many clothes but a trip into town early yesterday made me regret not wearing more, I froze my bum off! OK I need to accept that winter is just a few days away, I suppose. Sigh~

At least we get an extra degree today....17C max.
As I read this I'm humming "Baby It's Cold Outside"......LOL

Bundle up Rob. :cheers:


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
It's grey, miserable, windy & we've got rain set in for the day here, Top temp 14C.

If I could find a way to do it I would gladly ship you and extra large package of sunshine Ian.

Is there any other place on plant besides an Amazon Rain Forest where it rains as much as it does where you live? Earlier in the year when I was forced to take a sabbatical from posting it was raining there. I return and it's still raining. Sheesh.

Here in the Western US states are suffering from a decade long drought and you have more rain than anyone could possibly wish for. Screw going to Mars. We need weather control here and now so Elon Musk make yourself useful for a change and stop being a billionaire boor.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
We can’t complain as we’ve had a brilliant week of late Autumn weather here. In for a wet period got the next week but who’se going to complain about 17C degree winter days?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
If I could find a way to do it I would gladly ship you and extra large package of sunshine Ian.

Is there any other place on plant besides an Amazon Rain Forest where it rains as much as it does where you live? Earlier in the year when I was forced to take a sabbatical from posting it was raining there. I return and it's still raining. Sheesh.

Here in the Western US states are suffering from a decade long drought and you have more rain than anyone could possibly wish for. Screw going to Mars. We need weather control here and now so Elon Musk make yourself useful for a change and stop being a billionaire boor.

It would be nice to see a decent spell of sunshine every now & again. :thumb: Lancashire gets more than it's fair share of grey rainy days.
I laugh when I read about the two big Manchester football clubs who get players from sunnier climes in Europe /Africa & their girlfriends/wives saying they don't want to live in Lancashire because of the weather & having to smell like a wet dog all the time lol :rofl:
I've never lived anywhere else so I'm used to it.

Grey cloudy breezy day again with showers & a high of 14C.

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