Wanted Slash Chibson Snakepit Guitar Will Pay $$$$$

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2017
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Dude, you're a sad example of a tech or avid guitar player whatever your call yourself and even that's compliment. Is it Austin that your referring too?

You have way to much time on your hands brother. Shouldn't you be out repairing some ESP or Epiphone guitar. Your embarrassing yourself, go harass somebody else.

Your interested in me, not interested in you and your talents whatsoever my friend. I guess continue to live in your fantasy world and please spare these people your ridiculous acquisitions about me. Just hear in peace without characters like you that judge

You should be questioning your credibility not mine brother.
Wow... I just... No. Just wow... :lol:

Damien Vivona

Nov 16, 2021
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Here is my gold album made out to me jag off. I've been in the music business for 30 plus years. WHERE'S YOURS?????


The Convert

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
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You have a lot of mouth but nothing to back it up bozo...

Oh yeah, things are clearly kickin' butt nonstop for you, seeing as how you're trolling an Epiphone board trying to get an illegal Chinese knock-off guitar. Yeah. That adds up.

You keep being you, dude.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2017
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I have to say, I don’t care about what you might have done @Damien Vivona. Most people that actually have accomplished something, generally are humble about it, and don’t feel the need to flash their superiority. You don’t come across as humble. Quite the opposite actually.

The Convert

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
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Well, let's just end this. If you want to know a man, know them in their own words:

I don't have any validation that the "Behind the Music" segment is genuine. He doesn't show up on the catalog of performers. Maybe it's legit. The thing that did stand out was the "saying yes while shaking the head no" tip-off for someone probably lying.

I saw a bunch more. Maybe some folks would like his stuff. The Youtube videos for his songs seem to be posted by relatives and friends and I couldn't find anything with more that 1000 views or 10 likes.

My takeaway: I believe he's trying. I think he's been trying for a long time. I think he cares a lot about his image. I don't know that there's much to protect. Maybe he's done some work for studios, but nothing as a performer that would warrant a Wikipedia page.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Honestly I looked into him only because he put himself out as a public figure. I'm sad I did, since I'm leaving this thread now, feeling icky about everything.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2017
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Probably not a good idea to embrace the rock ‘n‘ roll lifestyle before beeing an actual rock star. A little less drugs and booze would do no harm. Even Paul Frehley would approve… as of today.

Damien Vivona

Nov 16, 2021
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Listen you came searching for me, not the other way around. You guys have nothing going on so you search for people to attack and call out. You were never shit to begin with so have to make an example of somebody so that you can boost your ego.

I get it!


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2021
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Listen you came searching for me, not the other way around. You guys have nothing going on so you search for people to attack and call out. You were never shit to begin with so have to make an example of somebody so that you can boost your ego.

I get it!
Hahahahahaha kick and SCREAM

If you follow the convo nobody said anything about you, or who you are, or what you've done until you started mouthing off about being an artist... and nobody cares. The search yielded that yes, you're in the music business and have been for a long time, it legitimized your claim. Nice. So you've had a fun career that hopefully you loved, feel blessed about that. You should be happy, most people hate their careers.

The only problem is you're an absolute troll coming in here saying that anybody on this forum "was never shit to begin with". Let's be brutally honest, I listened to your song for 45 seconds before I said what a hack. You may be in the music business, so are secretaries and janitors, doesn't make them admirable or talented. You walked in, made a post against forum rules, got a bad reaction and you're throwing tantrums trying to establish yourself here. Bravo star child, bravo.

I'll give you this- it is entertaining and I haven't seen this forum so alive in months. Stop by more often please.

Damien Vivona

Nov 16, 2021
Reaction score
Are you guys done with your babbling nonsense? I didn't start this your forum did, so I guess your referring to yourselves? With all the negative commentary? "I love hatters they make the world go around"

And as far as talent is concerned I have more talent in my pinky than most! Me throw tantrums NEVER I'm just stating the facts. You can say what you want I never asked for your opinion nor do I care or have any interest in it.

As far as establishing myself I never asked for any endorsement from this site except for the one I have music distribution through. I appreciate the compliments, but I try to stay in my lane.

Stay humble... That works...
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