Where’s Lancpudin?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
The camera from ebay arrived safe & well, but both the lithium batteries were flat & the auction did say they couldn't find the charger. I thought the batteries & charger were the same as my old one, but weren't. these are much bigger. I couldn't power it up so I ordered a charger off the ebay, they're only 6 quid, so I'll have to wait until that arrives before I can test it.

If it doesn't work, then I get my money refunded off the ebay, It was worth a punt as it's in a league above my old one if all's good.

Some strange goings-on with ebay! I had two notifications from ebay this morning saying two unknown sign-in to my account at ungodly hours, 01:00 & 03:00, definitely not me as I'm in bed by 23:00 most nights.

Another parcel arrived from ebay yesterday too which I hadn't ordered with bottles of iron supplement :dunno:I can't see any monies taken out of our bank account though.
Just gone through the rigmarole of changing passwords etc just in case.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
Attempts to hack my CC originated from a bookshop in Belgium which means they were likely at night here.

I got out and used the tractor for some cleaning up yesterday morning. Bit of slashing too!

We took our 2 Granddaughters to our favourite pub for lunch and before we left town I’d bought my darling wife a new laptop. She’s taking her old one in Monday to get the data transferred across and set up. I was dealing with Mick the owner whom I’ve known for over 20 years. It’s nice to feel like a local.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Nothing more exciting than cleaning inside the oven yesterday. Then finished up washing the car.



Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
I started to trim the bushes & trees along the fence line with our neighbour yesterday, as there are no young birds in the nests or fledglings now.

I ended up getting scratched to heck pushing through the bushes to get at over hanging branches. I was going to carry on today, but I'll leave it for another day.
No rest for the wicked though, as it's laundry day again.

I pulled up some more young leeks & potatoes to make a pan of leek & potato soup to go with some crusty bread. :thumb:



Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
Gael is in meetings at the art society almost all day so I’m considering what I do here on my own.

I’d love to jump into some more wood splitting but am concerned about having a hypo (low sugar) incident here on my own. Don’t worry I’ll probably do it anyway.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
Nothing much to report from here other than the weather getting hot again. We hit 91° today so fully 30° higher than two days ago.

The project for this week will be to get a status check on the progress toward lease approval. We need to game plan the move in terms of packing, renting a truck, and getting help. I'm hoping we can get it done the last weekend of the month which is why I need to find out a best case vs worst case scenario then map out the costs.

My older daughters and grandson visited with my Pop over the weekend. Sarah shot a video of him telling one of his old jokes. If he can remember those we know he doesn't have dementia. The other reason I want to get everything settled here is so I can plan my trip back there to visit for awhile. Right now I'm shooting for mid September.

Nothing else very exciting for me when apartment living essentially means no work to be done outside these four walls. Some days I miss that and then some days I don't.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
I'm having a day off today, It took six hours to get through all that laundry yesterday, The good thing about the hot weather yesterday was the clothes dried in no time at all on the washing line, that doesn't happen very often here. :shock:
I ordered the shopping online for delivery this morning as I had a good few ciders yesterday so I'm not driving today. :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
I'm having a day off today, It took six hours to get through all that laundry yesterday, The good thing about the hot weather yesterday was the clothes dried in no time at all on the washing line, that doesn't happen very often here. :shock:
I ordered the shopping online for delivery this morning as I had a good few ciders yesterday so I'm not driving today. :thumb:
Ciders? She’s apples mate!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
I had to laugh at my missus yesterday! I went upstairs to give her breakfast porridge & she's reading on her phone, I notice there's only one lens in her glasses & said what's happened to the lens, she said I don't know, I didn't notice any difference :shock: lol

I found the lens at the side of the bed but couldn't find the tiny screw that holds it in place, so I used a piece of wire to secure it. She paid 250 quid for em & she can't tell if there's a lens missing.:rofl:
I'm on mowing duties today.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
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Memphis, TN
@Digger, 2 thousand for an iPad? I’m hoping that’s the cost of the big honker Pro you mentioned in another thread. They’re $1,200 or so here. I’m starting to get the itch for a new one as well, but need to get the eye/car settled first.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
@Digger, 2 thousand for an iPad? I’m hoping that’s the cost of the big honker Pro you mentioned in another thread. They’re $1,200 or so here. I’m starting to get the itch for a new one as well, but need to get the eye/car settled first.
Yes Greg it was for the 13” Pro and I don’t need an upgrade “that” much! Part of the difference in price is the exchange rate too. It ended up after advice from someone in the Epi forum regarding battery life, that I had the brightness at 100%. I must have done that reading outside on the patio and forgotten. I turned it down to 50% and I’m gettig the battery life I need now thankfully.

The thing that worries me is that I know these things but my brain just isn’t working well lately it seems.

Gael managed to spill a cup of tea on her laptop so with attempts to fix it (unsuccessfully) and time for pulling her data across to a new one and setting it up, thats close to the $2k sent on electronics anyway this last 7 days. That laptop gets probably as much work as in a full time office with her art society work so she needs it badly. She picked up the new one yesterday and seems happy with it thankfully.

Thanks for your interest mate.
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Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
Other than the mini-hurricane we just experienced nothing eventful going on here. Just glad to be on the 2nd floor because there was so much rain I wouldn't be surprised if the ground floor units to some minor flooding.

It was about 30 minutes of hell with gale force winds and horizontal rain and hail, another 30 minutes of a hard rain with hail and now it's back to dead calm just like it was before the storm hit. The sun is even trying to break through to the west.

We've missed much of the most severe summer storms but not this one. I pulled up the weather radar and this entire area was showing up in a deep scarlet red indicative of the heaviest rainfall. Glad I wasn't out driving around in it like I was yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
I'm still waiting on the battery charger from ebay, so I can test that camera, I hate waiting on things when I've got a new toy. :D

I've got a new pest in the greenhouse :frown:where the bell peppers are, Cutworms. The leaves are getting holes in them from the blighters, but they've not eaten into the peppers.
They burrow back down into the compost after a night chomping on them, I read online what was causing them & it said have look just under the surface of the compost, I dug around the compost & sure enough I got around half a dozen of the buggers out of each pot. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
I did some work outside yesterday but mostly cleaned out laundry cupboards! It’s a job needing doing for some time and I all but filled a recycle wheelie bin. By lunchtime it was a bit warm to continue working outside!
A mate rang me to advise that Ian Haggar a well known Sarsfield resident had passed away at 94 the day before. Ian was a beaut bloke and his knowledge of our area was unparalleled. He had lived here all of his life and the stories and knowledge he had will be a huge loss to those if us in the area.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
I'm still waiting on the battery charger from ebay, so I can test that camera, I hate waiting on things when I've got a new toy. :D

I've got a new pest in the greenhouse :frown:where the bell peppers are, Cutworms. The leaves are getting holes in them from the blighters, but they've not eaten into the peppers.
They burrow back down into the compost after a night chomping on them, I read online what was causing them & it said have look just under the surface of the compost, I dug around the compost & sure enough I got around half a dozen of the buggers out of each pot. :mad:
Maybe an infusion of garlic and water sprayed on the leaves. Wouldn’t keep me away as I love garlic....Grin~


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Maybe an infusion of garlic and water sprayed on the leaves. Wouldn’t keep me away as I love garlic....Grin~

Yeah, I'll give that a go & mix some in a misting bottle. We like garlic but I've never had much luck growing my own, I'll crack it one of these years. I got the lawn edges tidied up & unbagged those chippings over the weed membrane for my missus to level out with the rake yesterday.

I never looked where that battery charger for the camera was coming from, It's China. :facepalm: No wonder it's taking its time, Mind you, when I looked to see if there were any sellers in Blighty, the only place selling this model of charger was China.
Ebay has sent two reminders for me to leave feedback but I can't until I've tested it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
Yeah, I'll give that a go & mix some in a misting bottle. We like garlic but I've never had much luck growing my own, I'll crack it one of these years. I got the lawn edges tidied up & unbagged those chippings over the weed membrane for my missus to level out with the rake yesterday.

I never looked where that battery charger for the camera was coming from, It's China. :facepalm: No wonder it's taking its time, Mind you, when I looked to see if there were any sellers in Blighty, the only place selling this model of charger was China.
Ebay has sent two reminders for me to leave feedback but I can't until I've tested it.
On a slow boat from China hey?

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