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  1. TWANG

    I Modded a Harley Benton!

    I like my modded epis and harley benton.. and my firefly, too. worth every cent.IMG_1280 by TWANG posted Mar 9, 2019 at 12:32 PM IMG_1263 by TWANG posted Mar 9, 2019 at 12:32 PM
  2. TWANG


    I've tried all the groups I've ever belonged to. Nothing so far. dammit. I hate this. Well.. I'll keep at it for a month or so.
  3. TWANG

    Epiphone Sheraton II Korean circa 93

    I've been saying 91... which is when I bought it--!!!! shit! I'm a time traveller. a victim of Epiphone trickery. or merely mistaken. Maybe I got the 91 from the serial number and confused it with the date of manu? I'll assume you checked the epi ser. no. site. I've lost track of that...
  4. TWANG

    BB model announced

    I have two epis. Love em both. but I tried a firefly because it was 160$ shipped. and then I added some stuff.. and tried a fine tune tailpiece and locking tuners.. very nice! I don't get a lot of BB with the single coils, but it's pretty nice overall!
  5. TWANG

    Epiphone Sheraton II Korean circa 93

    I have a 1991 sheraton II, Korean, Samick. SNo. S4114391. Rather heavily modified. I'll speak to the rewiring. On mine, I have swapped pickups several times. And changed the pots etc. as well. It's a BITCholycow what a drag, Do not trust anyone who says it's easy or not that bad. You have to do...
  6. TWANG


    Some time ago.. long time... years? ... I was sent an amplifier to modify. Then I had a shitload of health problems, (all since resolved, thank you) and I cannot find the address of who sent the amp! Is it you? Just tell me what amp it is and we'll get this resolved. I am building a new amp in...
  7. TWANG

    Locking Tuners

    Grover USA exists so far as I know. One way to tell is the GROVER logo on each tuner. Less expensive (chinese) it's blurry and indistinct. On USA grovers the log is quite distinct in the lettering. So your 30 or 40 years is definitely off by 30 40 years.
  8. TWANG

    Locking Tuners

    I put locking tuners on my guitars.. chinese stuff from wish. Grovers are usa, and chinese, and the chinese ones I'm using work perfectly No problems. I'd recommend them on snappy quick string changes alone, but they tune well and hold tune so what's not to like?
  9. TWANG

    multi effects pedals

    Pretty modest efx features by todays standards. But.. works perfectly.. tons of the tones I seek. pretty good on delay modulation et all, too. Play it almost every day.
  10. TWANG

    CoVid-19 Thread.
  11. TWANG

    PPIMV Silverface Bassman

    You know.. it's so silly.. but I looked all over and could not seem to get any info that matched the amp I have. Finally I stopped being a boob. I got two nice schematics from ampgarage and went for the simplest .. just a 1Meg audio tape which I put where the old socket for power was. I have...
  12. TWANG

    Show your Amps...

    Ok. Hope I haven't replied earlier and forgot! but here we go. top marshall 18 watt based. bottom fender 15 watt based. top 18watt marshall based (non tube rectified) bottom 30watt kinda fender based left fender 15 watt based right...
  13. TWANG

    Show your Other Guitars

    Oh you guys and your fancy store bought guitars. why back in my day we could build a guitar out of old chevy parts and broken wine bottles! Here we cost 120$ talking about the brown one on the left. I had that neck for years.. have a few in fact...
  14. TWANG

    Epiphone 335 Pro or Sheraton 11 Pro.

    I have a 91 Sheraton. I have changed it considerably over the years. Pickups, controls, bigsby and more. BUT make no mistake. the actual guitar plays like brand new. pretty much looks new, too. damn it's built! (Korean) I have ten guitars. I build (assemble, I don't manu parts myself) many, and...
  15. TWANG

    You Asked and Here It is...

    Must agree with Cozmik Cowboy, mines a 91... sure I changed a lot.. but the Sheraton itself still plays and looks great..! Love the red!
  16. TWANG

    Casino vs Sheraton!

    Casino versus sheraton, eh. hmmm. what to do, what to do. *G* You kids today. PS nice review/comparison!
  17. TWANG

    Riviera vs. Sheraton

    I have the answer.. the one you're all looking for. IMG_1280 by TWANG posted Mar 9, 2019 at 12:32 PM check out my rivieraton. (PS the lp now has the chrome bigsby. not real bigsby. both are chinese.)
  18. TWANG

    Show your Epiphones

    Blondy has a toggle the whammy bar just hides it a bit. I did remove two pots though. it has one vol one tone. Ok here we go. Imperial Tuner buttons added to the stock tuners. bone nut. Kent Armstrong humbuck size single coils. (I've had four sets of pups on this before I finally found my...
  19. TWANG

    Show your Epiphones

    oops. don't know how I duplicated those pics. just saying.. possibly again? I love these chinese bigsby copies.. I had the black bigsby b700 now I have the chrome clone.. they both work perfectly. I have a little pinch at the nut for the B string on the sheraton, otherwise they both tune great...
  20. TWANG

    Show your Epiphones

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