How's Your Weather Today?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Whoa. Looks like you've got one of our good old fashioned "high plains blizzards" goin' on there Ian. That's quite a blow. Bundle up.

Can't believe they can raise energy prices that much and expect anyone to "just adjust" to it. Especially not those on limited or fixed incomes. Is their any solution through governmental intervention or subsidies?

We're seeing some pretty significant cost increases here as far as gas and groceries, etc. but the real cause isn't what the media keeps harping on. It's all the damn COVID profiteering not a new inflation cycle.

It's much cooler here today with a bit more cloud cover. At just past 10:00 AM it's 50F now but we'll only hit a high of 54F all day then warm up back into the 60Fs tomorrow. Still very nice for late November.

Yes a lot of people on fixed incomes are going to struggle this Winter, It's been a perfect storm regards energy over here in the UK/ Europe. Quite a lot of factors came into play all at once, Historic low reserves over here as well as the the emissions problem. One of the biggest factors in the huge rise in wholesale gas prices is more & more countries are ditching coal fired power stations & converting them to gas fired especially in the Asean countries, South Korea has recently announced they'll shutter 30 coal power plants which will add to the problem even more.

It's a grey icy morning here with top temps of 1C with snow forecast for later today, At least that incessant wind has abated.
There are more & more countries buying on the wholesale market especially China who have said they'll buy every shipment of gas they can get their hands on so the price has sky rocketed.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
I'm sure I won't see it in my lifetime but we really do need to spend more effort on developing alternate energy sources and break the backs of fossil fuel energy cartels.

It seems the US produces more LNG than any other country in the world so why isn't it going to our allies? Why favor China with whom we have other sets of problems?

At 3:00 AM it's a crisp 39F w/49% RH. We're expecting a day of full sun shine so the high temp should be near 68F again both today and tomorrow. In fact the entire week is showing high forecast to range from the high 50F to the low 70Fs.

Wish we could share a little of this with you folks Ian. The videos I've seen look pretty brutal and if I'm not wrong I don't believe you all get storms and snow like this very often do you? Isn't snow fairly rare in England? Or am I wrong here?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
I'm sure I won't see it in my lifetime but we really do need to spend more effort on developing alternate energy sources and break the backs of fossil fuel energy cartels.

It seems the US produces more LNG than any other country in the world so why isn't it going to our allies? Why favor China with whom we have other sets of problems?

At 3:00 AM it's a crisp 39F w/49% RH. We're expecting a day of full sun shine so the high temp should be near 68F again both today and tomorrow. In fact the entire week is showing high forecast to range from the high 50F to the low 70Fs.

Wish we could share a little of this with you folks Ian. The videos I've seen look pretty brutal and if I'm not wrong I don't believe you all get storms and snow like this very often do you? Isn't snow fairly rare in England? Or am I wrong here?

The trouble with gas over here (Paris accord agreements) is it's just a temporary fix for the coal stations that are being phased out until more solar/wind/tidal renewable energy comes online.
It's going to get worse before it gets better! Houses & buildings are about to come under Carbon Pricing :shock: meaning if your energy provider uses coal or gas to produce electricity it will have to buy carbon credits on the ETS (emission trading system) which will be passed onto the home owner, I kid you not. :wow: Anything with a fossil fuel emission is going to get clobbered with green taxes. Road transport, Aviation & shipping will soon be coming under the same rules. :shock:

We don't get snow like we used to get when I was growing up, More wet Winters than Snow but we do get snow every year in my neck o the woods, Not so much in the south of the country.
We have snow forecast shortly, I was out in the garden this morning to get a couple of leeks to make a chicken & vegetable soup & it was a struggle getting them out of the frozen ground. :wow:Smells good in here though :yesway:


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
What annoys me is the ability of energy producers to pass along these cost increases instead of absorbing a significant portion of them as an incentive to get on board with more eco friendly sources of energy.

I'm not a tree hugger and I favor capitalism over too much government ownership and intervention but profiteering should be penalized as it once was and energy producers must share in the financial hardships along with consumers.

What happened to some of the people here in Texas during that cold snap last winter borders on criminal intent because the entire system was run knowing that it would fail if it experienced catastrophic cold weather which it did.

But the existing laws and agreements with consumers allowed the energy producers to simply pass along their higher costs and resulted in windfall profits when they should have been penalized for allowing it to ever happen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
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Memphis, TN
Partly sunny and cool at 51°/10°. Similar to the art festival yesterday, but thankfully without the lusty breeze that made Greg very cold and stiff and pissed his hips and back off to no end.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Cold day here -3C rising to 3C later this afternoon with a dusting of snow from yesterday that's frozen solid, Not good under foot so I'm staying put indoors today.



Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
Cold day here -3C rising to 3C later this afternoon with a dusting of snow from yesterday that's frozen solid, Not good under foot so I'm staying put indoors today.


Cold and slippery but beautiful none the less.

It's a surprisingly warm early AM here in Mile High. It's 46F w/45% RH. Sunrise is still 2 1/2 hours away and we're looking at another sunny day with a high temp forecast of 72F. Downright balmy for late Nov.

Lots of Christmas light and decorations went up over the weekend. I'm just glad that's a task I no longer have to do. The city got all of their lighting done so old downtown is brightly lit as well as the Civic Center and several parks.

So now we roll on to December 25th and the holidays. Wonder when we'll get our first major snow? It's been very very dry here all autumn long.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
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Lancashire United Kingdom
Big change in the temps overnight :yesway: Everywhere has thawed and now lots of rain today with a high of 10C , I'll take that over the cold temps of late. I'll get some shopping done today.


Staff Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Fort Collins, CO
Nice and sunny but a bit cooler today. Our high is forecast at 64F. At the moment (11:00 AM) it's 48F w/46% RH. Still dry as a bone here though. No rain and not a whole lot of snow in the mountains either. That's not good.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
30C and late storms. Not a pattern I welcome!

Late afternoon storms often bring dry lightening and ignite fires.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
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S.E Australia
It was too hot for old farts to work outside yesterday so I stayed inside. Today looks better with 20C forecast.

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